Attacks in Paris

"If you're out in Paris and need somewhere safe to go/stay use #PorteOuverte to find Parisians opening their homes to help. Pass it on."

this is being tweeted around paris with parisians opening their homes to those on the streets terrified.
They were born here weren't they? If so, they're English. My great-grandparents were all born in Eastern Europe so what does that make me?

This thread is surely not the time or place for this, let's agree to disagree. My point is that if I had been born in Spain (entirely possible) I would still consider myself 100% English. I'm sure those scumbags didn't consider themselves English even if they were born here.
As I said before, but you didn't reply. There is no one spokesman for Islam, because there are many factions of Islam. No one can claim to speak for Islam because there are different interpretations of it all over the world. However, ISIS do represent their version of Islam and are doing their best to enforce it on others. Just because they don't represent your version of Islam doesn't make your version the "true religion" just as it doesn't make theirs the "true religion" although no doubt both of you would argue that you were right and the other wrong.

ISIS's "version" of religion is called Salafi Jihadism, look it up, which began to exist from the Soviet US war in Afghanistan. The "true" Islam I refer to and I'm sure 99% of muslims would agree with, is the same religion started out by Prophet Muhammad and the following of his teachings, etc. ISIS and their terrorist acts has nothing to do with anything, their whole motto comes from a line in the Islamic holy book, which says "attack the non believers ONLY when you are under attack", however this was twisted starting from the 1980s war in Afghanistan. Like I said before, 99% of the Muslims represent the "true" version as I call it.
"If you're out in Paris and need somewhere safe to go/stay use #PorteOuverte to find Parisians opening their homes to help. Pass it on."

this is being tweeted around paris with parisians opening their homes to those on the streets terrified.

The perfect escape for a terrorists....the plot thickens
Not looking good for many in that theatre special forces have stormed it obviously under the impression it not worth waiting around

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