Well done boss

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Most of that stuff is stating the obvious tbf.

My one wish is that three years ago when they sacked Mancini that they hadn't used that word. It's been an easy stick to beat the club with subsequently. They should've just said what the truth was, which is that they Mancini's sacking was about his relationship with the board of directors rather than the players. The players just sealed his fate by downing tools. His card was already marked.

Agree on both counts. Holisitic is Soriano's "trajectory".

At least we can all presumably get behind Guardiola now, after the last 4 years of bitching between fans, I think we can all agree he is an upgrade on both Mancini and Pellegrini. I doubt he will disappoint.
Nonsense. It has nothing to do with not winning the league. It has to do with the many gutless performances turned in by the players and clueless 'formations and tactics' from the manager, together with the seeming acceptance of those poor performances. If the players had put in the same effort all season as they showed yesterday, I'm sure the vast majority would have stayed to show their appreciation.

I don't believed City fans are over-entitled or developing as you put it. We are the same as we've always been. I recall plenty of times dissatisfaction with the board/manager/players was shown far more vocally than this bunch have had to deal with.

In my case, it was primarily a case of getting a headstart on the 180 miles home, which is usually a pig of a drive on a Sunday evening.
Kuntanastikis has never forgiven Pep for digging him out at a presser a couple years back, you will need go on YouTube where Pep tells him to "look at me"

A Liverpool fan with close links to Madrid's Valdano.

A very poor excuse for a journalist.

You should read his column today (disgrace)

Jeez, hope Pep never has to talk to the Twitcher.
I'm resigned to our fate whatever it may be. This season really has been the long kiss goodnight and personally I'm simply focussed now on the future. The past, especially the last 18 months, can respectfully fuck off.

Hard to let go of past when it has immediate impact on future. If we manage to finish top 4 then it will be easier to turn page on Pellegrini.
Kuntanastikis has never forgiven Pep for digging him out at a presser a couple years back, you will need go on YouTube where Pep tells him to "look at me"

A Liverpool fan with close links to Madrid's Valdano.

A very poor excuse for a journalist.

You should read his column today (disgrace)

That was another ****. Jamie Jackson. Not Antony.
Don't disappoint me already Billy , and edit your statement with the words I know that won't be the case.

I am very confident he will be our best manager result wise we have at the club.

The fear factor will return at COMS and the atmosphere ala Seattle Seahawks like.
We really do need to establish a fortress again at home but that might be easier than making a marked improvement in the atmosphere. Any ideas out there??
After his first game against Newcastle, my reaction was 'it's a good job Newcastle are shit...'.

You could see the flaws, it was clear as day(although it was a night match), however, it was his first game, these things take time. Unfortunately for us, the longer he has been here, the worse we have got.

Simple question, if Pelligrini was manager next year would anyone think we stood a chance of winning the league? I certainly wouldn't. He hasn't learnt from any of the bad results in the first season and shows no signs of doing so
Im in two minds about yesterday. I get those that felt passionate about it enough to leave, but I do feel slightly for Pellegrini too.

Ultimately, I think a lot comes down to a disconnect between what the board wanted from him and the fanbase did. They were clearly keen on someone willing to toe the party line in public after the Mancini era, which is why all we have really heard is the repetitive mantra of being unlucky or reinforcing the (incorrect) mindset that we stick to attacking football. We as fans want to see a manager that will acknowledge substandard performances as then we have the confidence they might do something about it. Instead, he's been sticking rigidly to the party line throughout. I refuse to believe for a second that he didn't see a lot of the issues that we did as for all of his faults, he isn't that stupid.

From the lineups chosen against Southampton and Chelsea, it was clear that Pellegrini was prioritising the CL over everything else, something that would have been a direction from the board as well give the messages of thanks yesterday. Again, there was a disconnect as the league will always be the priority for the fanbase. Not for the board focussed on international profile though.

For all the tactical incompetence, he has also been dealt a bad set of cards at times too, which the poor squad building has magnified even more. There's not been that many games where a 433 was even a viable option given our lack of available players in certain positions.

He's had some players decline at a greater rate than I think him or Begiristain thought would and a transfer policy that hasn't seemed to have taken into account any other way of playing apart from the generic 4412 set up he has utilised. Couple that with injuries (the Madrid game for example, losing Silva and Kompany in either leg - we are still massively reliant on our spine and that's immediately us impacted, as it would be for most teams).

Ultimately, yesterday was for me more an indication of the disconnect from the fanbase to the board and a difference in prioritisation. Pellegrini has been, to us, the public mouthpiece for the board and as a consequence taken the lions share of the accountability despite it actually bring deeper than that.

The upshot is we have a situation where fans feel passionate enough to walk out rather than acknowledge someone that has won us a league and by all indications, stuck to what was asked of him by his employers. In that regard, I do feel sorry for him as it can't have been a nice experience.

My anger is more at the board for allowing this to happen, both in terms of the complacency and the disconnect to the fans, and ultimately Pellegrini has taken the hit for them. If anyone owes anyone an apology for yesterday, then it's the board to him.
I'm resigned to our fate whatever it may be. This season really has been the long kiss goodnight and personally I'm simply focussed now on the future. The past, especially the last 18 months, can respectfully fuck off.

"long kiss goodnight"?! it's been death from being repeatedly getting kicked in the nads till the point where you're so numb to it you forgot that low blows used to hurt.
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