Would you say the League(PL) is getting stronger?


Well-Known Member
29 May 2009
I definitely would. In the past it's been loaded with talented players but clueless managers unable to mould them or do anything with them. Right now the pressing and tactical game in the league has improved tonnes over the summer (IMO). The fact Leicester were able to win last year and now look mid table shows this.

City are the strongest English team in many, many years now. A 90 point level team from the past (whether we will get it this year or not is another story). Liverpool are the best they've been in years (even better than Suarez team). Chelsea under Conte look very strong, Arsenal look they best they've been since their move. Then we have battling minnows like Spurs, Southampton, Everton and Man United with some decent players. Oh, not to forget the English Champions Leicester in all this too!

I'd say its getting overhyped and turning into WWE.

Mass corruption being ignored to preserve the product.
I think the player / team quality comes and goes, last year being a bit of a low point where all top clubs had major blips and hence Leicester won the league (disrespect intentional).

In general there has been a revolution in player fitness levels and science driven coaching so players are much fitter now than 20 years ago and this has continued to drive improvements every year as the old dinosaur coaches retire and modern techniques and fitness coaches have more influence. In the 90’s and early 00’s there was still a lot of boozing and partying in the game but I can’t see it now.

Then you have the wider distribution of money and player talent. There used to be a top 4 and we all knew who they were. Now you can have any 4 from maybe half the clubs in the league capable of finishing in the CL spots.

All in all yes the league is far better.
Nope. Theres a reason that myself and a few other people wont be renewing next year
The benchmark is European competition, the league is definitely as competitive as it's ever been.
I think it is, all because of money of course. In terms of the top of the table, nobody can really dominate now, and as Leicester showed anyone can win it. I think the quality of players going to midtable teams is much higher than in the past. Its more attractive to sign for Stoke or Everton than it is for Inter Milan or Ajax, its even spreading down to the Championship there are players there who could be playing Champions League football but instead choose to play in our second tier.
Definately at best, I would back Newcastle to beat any Spanish/German bottom 10 easily and they are in the Championship.

Then you're deluded, and have been conned by Sky's marketing campaign.

Teams like Las Palmas wouldn't break a sweat beating Newscastle. They'd probably have a good chance of beating anyone outside our top 5.

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