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  1. B

    Melbourne City FC Thread

    Re: MCFC buy Melbourne Heart FC (merged) This is fantastic news for football in Australia. It may force me to improve on my one game total attendance to the A League.
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    City V Southampton Match thread

    you're right. I've seen a few done in real life though and you CAN walk after having done one. Anyway, fingers crossed.
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    City V Southampton Match thread

    Hate to say it but It looks like an ACL. Seems to have heard/felt it go. Hope I'm wrong obviously.
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    Battle of the Bands Final - Beatles v Rolling Stones 217

    Battle of the Bands - Sex Pistols v R.E.M. REM by a mile.
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    £4 a pint shocking!

    A 5$ AUD Pint would be considered a bargain in Melbourne. Typically they're $8 or $9 so between 5-6 GBP. In other words, what are you whining about?
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    Pre-Season Fixtures 2012

    There were reports in Australian media that City may play a game at Melbourne's Etihad Stadium as a kind of cross promotion. Seeing a confirmed date in KL makes me think that this might come to fruition. I bloody hope so.
  7. B

    What book have you just read?

    Thanks. I'll be sure to check them out.
  8. B

    horrific presents

    What are you complaining about? If it was me, I'd be stoked.
  9. B

    What book have you just read?

    Ham on Rye - Charles Bukowski Blood Meridian - Cormac McCarthy Two very different books but I highly recommend them.
  10. B

    What are you listening to.................RIGHT NOW!!!
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    Thieving Scumbags

    ^ thanks. 32 degree here later today, might tune my gags over some beer after work.
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    Thieving Scumbags

    That is fucking gold. Haha
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    Thieving Scumbags

    Missed it, I shouIdnt have spoken. Its 1205am friday, BTW
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    Thieving Scumbags

    ok now that BB has carried on with the insensitive gags, I wouId Like to pint to my subtIe gag earIier. I thought it was funny...
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    Thieving Scumbags

    Sorry to hear that mate. Hope it bIows over.
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    Thieving Scumbags

    Have you spoken to the Police?
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    Aussie blues

    I just shot a load. Then another one 5 seconds later. Please let this happen.
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    Melbourne Cup

    Thank me later guys.
  19. B

    Melbourne Cup

    Dunaden, the other French horse is my tip. Currently second favourite behind Americain. Won the Geelong cup recently, just as Americain did in the lead up to last year's Cup. I'm putting both in a quinella for tomorrow. Here's some extended analysis if you haven't seen it already...
  20. B

    Joey Barton: 6 - 1!?

    Just rewound it. You're spot on. He asks the bloke to repeat it a few times just to make sure.

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