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    Music Association Game

    Empire State of Mind - Alisha Keys
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    Danielle Lineker

    A wonder if she tastes of Prawn Coctail Walkers crisps???????
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    Music Association Game

    Jimi Hendrix - Machine Gun
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    Funny sayings about somebody who`s unlucky

    Why , so you could come out sucking you own thumb lol
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    Class player although a bit childish a dont think he would be a good infulence in the dressing room but then again Mancini knows how to handle him a think!!!
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    Best goalkeeper of all time?

    P Schmeical D Seaman J Leighton A Goram N Martyn
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    Bellamy and Given

    No mate a was working and couldnt get the time off , looking to get to a EPL game this season though ,
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    Bellamy and Given

    Aye he sure was mate but the Celtic board refused to pay a 5Million price tag at the time.........Both players would have to take massive paycuts to come to scotland but then again we did pay Keane 65 grand a week during his loan spell so you never no!!!!
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    Bellamy and Given

    Would love to see both back at Celtic Park to be honest
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    What would be your 'last request'?

    To see Celtic v Man City CL final.........Celtic winning of coures
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    What are/is your favourite beer(s)?

    Bud Miller Stella
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    Bellamy and Given

    Orite guys i'm a Celtic supporter who's 2nd team are City , theres a massive rumour going about Glasgow tonight that Bellers is gonna sign for Celtic , have any of you guys heard this.......

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