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  1. S

    I blame Tevez

    ...and returning looking like this
  2. S


    #together my arse. Hated this from the word go. It's like some strapline from a Mothercare catalogue. Think the PR team should get #together and get rid.
  3. S

    Move that f*****g flag in 308

    Haven't been on here in ages, for a variety of reasons. Also, people on Twitter have been moaning that Bluemoon ain't what it used to be. This thread suggests otherwise. Funniest thing I've read for a long time. Chinley rules. The flag stays.
  4. S

    Junior Blues News 1978 Birthday Roll Call

    Well nobody bloody replied. And I can't remember what day it is, let alone when and what I've previously posted ;-)
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    Junior Blues News 1978 Birthday Roll Call

    I could well be on list for 13th June. I won a JB's competition to have lunch with the City players three years later. Still dining out on my "eating a meat and potato pie with Steve Mackenzie" story
  6. S

    Little Things That Shouldn't Annoy You But Really Do

    Weathermen who say "squally showers". WTF is "squally"?
  7. S

    Junior Blues News 1978 Birthday Roll Call

    I might be on that list for 13th June... I also won a JB's competition two or three years later to have lunch with the City players. I still dine out on my story of sharing a meat and potato pie with Steve Mackenzie ;-)
  8. S

    Paul Lake's Autobiog Front Cover

    I read it a few months ago - in hardback it was called 'From Right Wing to B Wing' (which I thought was a pretty good title) but for some reason it's been issued in paperback as 'Hammered'. It's quite a good read, considering he wrote much of it himself whilst in the clink.
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    Piccadilly "It's a Goal" jingle

    D'you mean this?
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    Music Videos that make you Cry

    This never fails to get me. Cash was dying when he recorded this, and the pain in his (and his wife's) face, knowing that his days are numbered, is unbearably poignant.
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    old night clubs you miss that have gone now!!

    The legendary Severe on Wilmslow Road in Fallowfield. Dingy as hell but perfect for after-hours boozing (and great music to boot). The manager was a miserable get, though.
  12. S

    James H Reeve

    [/b] That's nothing, laddie. I remember having a pink and white Piccadilly 261 sticker on my bedroom window when crackly old medium wave ruled. I also recall walking past Piccadilly Radio's HQ in Manchester and staring up in awe at the giant black 'n' white photos of star DJs like Phil Wood...
  13. S

    90s music. Love this tune. Shirley Manson was cool as. I wanted her hair.
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    80's music......... THE BEST! Amazing 80s song. Never tire of it. RIP Billy Mackenzie.
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    For all you budding chefs.

    Hip hip hooray for mackerel, a very underrated and unglamorous fish, but one of the healthiest (full of omega oil, so it's good for the heart), and one of the cheapest. And definitely one of the tastiest. I get mine fresh from a Grimsby fish man (oooer, missus) who delivers to my neck of the...
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    What happened to the fella off here who.....

    Same happened in this household. It all makes me feel a bit queasy.
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    Red wine...

    I once got pilloried on here for daring to suggest that the lightest of red wines could be chilled. Glad you beg to differ, pauldominic :-)
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    Rooney Charged 2 game Ban

    Yay, yay and thrice yay!!!
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    Andrea Dunbar

    What a fascinating article. I knew Andrea Dunbar had died but I didn't know the true extent of her backstory.
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    Guilty Pleasures - Music

    My iPod contains a fair few 1970s cheesemongers, including Andrew Gold (Lonely Boy), Supertramp (Breakfast in America) and David Soul (Silver Lady). Can't beat 'em.

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