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  1. J

    The Agenda: Part Deux

    Broadly, and to the best of my knowledge because I'm not a lawyer either, libel refers to written defamation and slander to verbal. But, in news more germane to a football forum, I'm hearing that Di Matteo has 'parted company' with Chelsea. I don't know why Abramovich doesn't just take over as...
  2. J

    The Agenda: Part Deux

  3. J

    The Agenda: Part Deux

    Fuck you. I explained what I found amusing and acknowledged my pedantry. It's not me that's making a big deal out of it.
  4. J

    The Agenda: Part Deux

    Er.. no. Your go.
  5. J

    The Agenda: Part Deux

    It's not 'normal' to be illiterate. And I wasn't insulting you, merely amused by what you wrote. You didn't need to explain that you're not a lawyer as your following statement demonstrated that with your ignorance of the difference between libel and slander. However, I am a pedantic twat for...
  6. J

    The Agenda: Part Deux

    Apart from its being a grammatical disaster, there's the irony that Evans would have been guilty of slander not libel. I found it amusing.
  7. J

    The Agenda: Part Deux

    Nor an English teacher, I'd wager.
  8. J

    Edin Dzeko (contract update page 370)

    Re: Edin Dzeko legend Really? I'd be interested to know when you think it was ever pro-US.<br /><br />-- Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:51 pm --<br /><br /> Adorado didn't argue that. Merely that proposing it to a Taliban member would be the conversational equivalent of banging your head against a brick...
  9. J

    Edin Dzeko (contract update page 370)

    Re: Edin Dzeko legend I think he's on pretty safe ground asserting that the Taliban is anti-American.
  10. J

    Stop the f***ing moaning

    Not every team can get off to a flier every season. Clearly we would have hoped for a repeat of last year, but, this time round, we're stuttering. Silva is yet to find form; Kun got injured in the first game; we've got 3 new defensive players to bed in (who only joined at the end of August) and...
  11. J

    The Manager

    The main thing is to get through the league stage. Clearly if you're in our group you need a better team/squad than in any of the others, but we're there on merit as champions. Once in the knock out stages weaker teams can employ nullifying tactics against stronger ones and hope to sneak it on...
  12. J

    Your All Time City 11 (must have seen them play)

    I assume nobody's gone for Schmeichel because his notable achievements were as a rag? He was definitely a better 'keeper than Coton.
  13. J

    Champions League Draw

    :-) At least those places, other than Swansea, have airports to which you can fly direct from Manchester. If you can afford it.
  14. J

    Champions League Draw

    One good thing about our group is that it means we can't draw one of the Russian sides and two of the Ukrainian ones. There's still a possibility of Moscow, of course, but otherwise a horrendous 7 hour trip to the middle of nowhere is avoided.
  15. J

    3-5-2 leaves us badly open to counter attacks....

    This made me laugh. It is like having one of the Keystone Cops in defence.
  16. J


    He was quality today against the Rags. I'd love to see him in a blue shirt: his strength and link-up play is fantastic. Reckon he'd love to play in our line-up, too..
  17. J

    David Pleat on Radio 5

    Aye. We just stood in the Kippax, numb and unable to believe the unthinkable had happened. I think we only needed a draw and with about 10 minutes to go - if that - Raddy Antic gets a flukey winner. I don't remember ever feeling worse than I did that day, but I suppose I must have done.
  18. J

    David Pleat on Radio 5

    I can still see him skipping towards the Kippax across the Maine Road turf in his beige Farrahs doing that ridiculous dance, the qunt. Unforgiveable.
  19. J

    Kick off, the 1970s ITV

    Ah - the Mike Channon windmill. That brings back memories.. Hello everyone, btw. Been a long time lurker and finally got around to creating a profile!

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