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  1. G

    It's Quiet 18 - Wanna ring the bell?

    Or is The Other Side a nod to the Twitter rumor that England is willing to wait for Pep and let him run his contract down?
  2. G

    City launch legal action against the Premier League | Unconfirmed reports that City have secured "potentially significant victory" (p 808)

    The PL is backed pretty deep in a corner. I don't know how they save face with something short of a win. And if this arbitration does relate to the idea of multi-club ownership, I don't know how City backs down from this. Maybe we reach a place where the PL drops the 115 and explains...
  3. G

    City launch legal action against the Premier League | Unconfirmed reports that City have secured "potentially significant victory" (p 808)

    You suggesting that City agreed to abide by the new related party rules in exchange for the 115 going away forever? Not sure that buys us much in the court of public opinion, but it could bring finality, I guess.
  4. G

    PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

    Fair question. Part of it is I haven't cleaned up my follows in a long time. Part of it is I kind of like rubber necking and seeing what the crackpot has to say. I get what you are saying though. Adding to his follower count isn't helpful
  5. G

    PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

    He worked for one of the bigger news orgs, I thought.
  6. G

    PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

    If I recall right -- and I'm kind of an idiot for following him on Twitter/X -- Harris recently lost his job. There's nothing to be gained by the Club bringing suit. Can't get blood from a stone; and you can't undo all he's said and done to damage the reputation of the club. Better to...
  7. G

    PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

    Exactly. Even complete acquittal of the PL charges would be ignored by the like of Harris and his ilk and will be clung to like Linus' blanket by fans of United and Liverpool. The PL won by simply making the charges and will move on after a slap on the wrist for City.
  8. G

    PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

    That's terrible Ric. Sorry you had to experience that. You look at Harris's presence on Twitter and sort of joke about how he's obsessed, but you hear this and it's not funny anymore. Worry about how much deeper into the darkness he can go.
  9. G

    PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

    Seems like for Harris, the charges by the PL are all he really needs. He -- and enough of followers -- will always focus on the charges and the volume of the charges, claiming "where there's smoke, there's fire." They'll always be able to raise doubt as to City's legitimacy and our guilt...
  10. G

    Cristiano Ronaldo

    That seems to be a self-limiting strategy that's going to hurt us eventually == if it isn't right now given the hole at striker.
  11. G

    Cristiano Ronaldo

    Haven't strengthened enough. The need for a striker was obvious before we let Sergio walk and there's seemingly no plan B for losing Kane. Ronaldo seemed more like a happy accident than anything else. Some of us would also suggest we need long term replacement for Fernandinho...
  12. G

    Harry Kane

    And from the sounds of things (article in the Athletic) Villa would have preferred to deal with anyone else.
  13. G

    It's Quiet Thread 15 - Txiki Blinders

    Deals like this - in my very different experience - often take time. Walking away too early could easily have blown a chance at a deal we wanted. It turns out it wouldn't have here, but we had to give it that chance. A week is plenty of time to get a deal done for another striker, IMO...
  14. G

    It's Quiet Thread 15 - Txiki Blinders

    Isn't that what we seem to have done here though? Levy got our best and final and said no. And while we've cut it short, big complex deals like this usually go to the 11th hour -- if not 11:59. That we've given ourselves a week to move on to Plan B (and count me in the camp that thinks...

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