4.4 Magnitude Earthquake in Los Angeles

I was on holiday in California with my (then) Dutch girlfriend, soon to be first (now, ex-) wife in 1989 and we were staying just outside San Jose for a reason that defeats me. Anyway, she wakes me up in the middle of the night screaming with the hotel room wobbling from side to side (I remember to this day the painting on the wall penduluming). She eventually woke me up and I said "Go to sleep, it's probably just an earthquake" and went back to sleep. She was furious the next morning. Presumably all night actually but, as I said, I just went back to sleep so I wouldn't know. Two months later, the big one hit California.

That was quite a trip. We almost got hit by lightning at the Grand Canyon as well. I swear a lightning bolt hit the middle of the road, of all places, about 50 yards in front of us. First time I had ever seen a woman with a square mouth, frozen in shock. Never a dull moment with me around :)
I can be a bit of a disaster magnet too.

We were in LA for just 4 days in 2019, just enough to be there for the Ridgecrest earthquake.. I've also sat through a few hurricanes in the Caribbean.

We were going to go to Florida in 2022 and because of COVID we went to the Bahamas instead. Lucky because Florida was hit hard by Hurricane Ian, the worst hurricane to hit them for ages. We just missed it being further east.
"Our" earthquake in 1989 was 5.4 iirc, and that was followed two months later by the 6.9 quake that did all the damage. Memory a bit hazy, but I think that was it.
we had a 6.8 a couple of years ago, bit of a wobble, you dont want to be in a really big one, it is terrifying !!!!!!!!!
I can be a bit of a disaster magnet too.

We were in LA for just 4 days in 2019, just enough to be there for the Ridgecrest earthquake.. I've also sat through a few hurricanes in the Caribbean.

We were going to go to Florida in 2022 and because of COVID we went to the Bahamas instead. Lucky because Florida was hit hard by Hurricane Ian, the worst hurricane to hit them for ages. We just missed it being further east.
Ian was a very destructive hurricane, when I was fishing in Louisiana this spring, the guides told me it did way more coastal damage than Katrina, a smaller ocean surge but the winds were terrible. Evidence of Tornado action in the middle of it too

Dangerous L.A. fault system rivaling the San Andreas is tied to recent earthquakes​

Monday’s earthquake, centered about 1,100 feet southwest of Huntington Drive and Eastern Avenue, occurred in the same general area as a pair of quakes in early June — a magnitude 3.4 on June 2 and a magnitude 2.8 on June 4 — also associated with the Puente Hills thrust fault system. There also was a magnitude 2.9 quake in the area June 24.

“All of these earthquakes are closely spaced in three dimensions, just beneath the main Puente Hills thrust [fault] plane,” USC earth sciences professor James Dolan said. “They’re all associated with the same cluster of small events.



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