Its a natural reaction I suppose, but one that sensible educated persons should eventually come to terms with. The very thought, even though it happened and we know it did, that a few fanatic terrorists hijacked planes and literally flew them straight into two of the tallest and most iconic buildings in the world, in a densely packed major city in the most powerful country in the world, horrifically killing thousands of innocent people who were only at work, is too basic to comprehend to people. It is just too base, and simplistic, and brutal. The simplicity of how it was done and the relative irrelevance of who did it against the massive global effect of what they ended up doing, do not equate. So people have to make more of it, and look for deeper answers and more sinister issues that are of more equal standing with the event. Regrettably, people cannot grasp that a small group of deranged nutters can commit such an atrocity. People couldnt square the fact that a little weirdo like Oswald could murder a President in a street on a sunny day in the modern 20th century, but he did. People didnt get that a drunk driver killed a beautiful popular Princess. People didnt get that the most iconic performer of the age Elvis Presley was a pill junkie had a clutcher on the toilet. The psyche of people has to believe that there was something more to very tragic, or brutally horrific, events.
The truth is too basic.
I'm just going to leave this here.
I am undecided but this makes you think.