What an articulate and well placed post sir..I applaud you.
to support city is simple biology ....My city inception was aged about 9 years old at primary school in Cheadle hulme...two sets if lads in the pe football session.. The captain and pe teachers pet was a rag and picked his players for U#*ted .. I was picked by the other captain a blue for the city side.. Coming from a non football family this was my first taste of being a blue..no idea what the score was but from that day I ached to visit maine road and got my chance a few years later with a friend and his dad..I still see my mate 35 years on and I cannot forget the inflatable bananas and trying to see between the hoardes of swearing fans that memorable day...
Now 35 years on, left the RAF,riddled with debt thanks to a bad employment move, struggling to pay the mortgage and wondering where the next family meal will come from, just watching city roll teams over ( Sunderland maybe not) I forget all my worries for a short time ( just a short time)...I know I'm not alone here! .. What I'm trying to say is Manchester city make me feel alive.. Call it the feel good factor eh...I'm in my forties with 3 beautiful children for gods sake but still feel sick when see a rag shirt or sticker, I have no red clothes, and will not use vodafone ( still!) ...These feelings will not go away and I won't even try..There's an admirable unity between city fans ( sure every fan base has it's loons) ..But no matter what shit lifes throws at me/us, city makes me/us feel good... Prick your finger and see what colour seeps out..You know the answer...