A Different Slant On Last Night


Well-Known Member
15 Apr 2010
RIP Sue & Sam.
Had we been playing in the European Champions League last night against the Italian Serie A 2009/10 runners up, who had won the league three of the last four seasons, the Coppa Italia last season, won the CL trophy three years ago, were currently unbeaten, without a goal against sat at the top of the CL qualifying group and currently unbeaten in one of the best leagues in the world we would be saying that the result last night was fantastic!

As it was utd. that we played it is seen by many as a failure.

I wish people would be a bit more positive - this negative feeling is precisely the mindset that Mancini said was holding the club back when he got here. He's battling to change it and it looks like he's slowly getting there.

It's a shame he can't have a word with a few who sit near me! I heard a few comments along the lines of 'they're going to score we're going to lose this I just know it - they always score at the end' These people had done precisely what ferguson want's the other teams to do - fold at the end.

We're sitting in fourth place - we've beaten the PL champions, drawn against the runners up and lost against third place - we are still a young team. These three have years of experience playing together - something that our momey simply can't buy. There's not many clubs had so many player changes in such a short time - and been as successful as we are at the moment.

In last year - near enough new keeper, left and right backs, two new wingers, four midfielders and a new striker - that's almost a full team!
A lot of people are getting whingier and whingier as we get better.

There was no more moaning under Pearce at our worst than there is today.... truly amazing
daveduke67 said:
Had we been playing in the European Champions League last night against the Italian Serie A 2009/10 runners up, who had won the league three of the last four seasons, the Coppa Italia last season, won the CL trophy three years ago, were currently unbeaten, without a goal against sat at the top of the CL qualifying group and currently unbeaten in one of the best leagues in the world we would be saying that the result last night was fantastic!

As it was utd. that we played it is seen by many as a failure.

I wish people would be a bit more positive - this negative feeling is precisely the mindset that Mancini said was holding the club back when he got here. He's battling to change it and it looks like he's slowly getting there.

It's a shame he can't have a word with a few who sit near me! I heard a few comments along the lines of 'they're going to score we're going to lose this I just know it - they always score at the end' These people had done precisely what ferguson want's the other teams to do - fold at the end.

We're sitting in fourth place - we've beaten the PL champions, drawn against the runners up and lost against third place - we are still a young team. These three have years of experience playing together - something that our momey simply can't buy. There's not many clubs had so many player changes in such a short time - and been as successful as we are at the moment.

In last year - near enough new keeper, left and right backs, two new wingers, four midfielders and a new striker - that's almost a full team!


The best post by a long long way on last nights game some of the moaners on here have the forsight of a leaming
daveduke67 said:
Had we been playing in the European Champions League last night against the Italian Serie A 2009/10 runners up, who had won the league three of the last four seasons, the Coppa Italia last season, won the CL trophy three years ago, were currently unbeaten, without a goal against sat at the top of the CL qualifying group and currently unbeaten in one of the best leagues in the world we would be saying that the result last night was fantastic!

As it was utd. that we played it is seen by many as a failure.

I wish people would be a bit more positive - this negative feeling is precisely the mindset that Mancini said was holding the club back when he got here. He's battling to change it and it looks like he's slowly getting there.

It's a shame he can't have a word with a few who sit near me! I heard a few comments along the lines of 'they're going to score we're going to lose this I just know it - they always score at the end' These people had done precisely what ferguson want's the other teams to do - fold at the end.

We're sitting in fourth place - we've beaten the PL champions, drawn against the runners up and lost against third place - we are still a young team. These three have years of experience playing together - something that our momey simply can't buy. There's not many clubs had so many player changes in such a short time - and been as successful as we are at the moment.

In last year - near enough new keeper, left and right backs, two new wingers, four midfielders and a new striker - that's almost a full team!


Give the man a job please. You have great clarity when ya stay of d'booze!!!!!!!!!
You can't really look at it like that though. All yesterday there were threads about the decline of United this, they're scared that, tick tock the other. Peole genuinely believe, (and i'm one of them), that United are not what they once were. I think they will finish above us, and they will be challenging with us for trophies for the foreseeable future, that said though they are definitely not what they were. Also, most of those trophies you labelled there were with the inclusion of the tranny and shrek. Neither of them were there last night, which is why I genuinely believed we would win. I am disappointed with the performance more than the result. I wanted to win and believe we should have gone for the throat to do just that, but a point is better than no points of course. The performance though was one which I didn't think would happen. I thought we would go for them from the off and completely dominate the game, but once again we paid them untold amounts of respect when they were a relatively depleted side, (minus Giggs and Shrek). Thats what i've been moaning about. We certainly don't need anymore players, and calls like that are, I agree, pretty poor to be honest.
Couldn't agree more. It may not be what a lot of posters wan't to hear, but we are going to have to get used to watching this style of football, for the time being. Once we gell and have WON a trophey, then the free flowing football that the likes of Chelsea produce will come to the COMS. Chelsea took time under Mariniho, grinding out 1-0 wins, and the "not to lose" mentality, is that foundation that they built upon thats made them the team ther are today. Lets all be a little patient, we've waited this long, whats another season or two?
daveduke67 said:
Had we been playing in the European Champions League last night against the Italian Serie A 2009/10 runners up, who had won the league three of the last four seasons, the Coppa Italia last season, won the CL trophy three years ago, were currently unbeaten, without a goal against sat at the top of the CL qualifying group and currently unbeaten in one of the best leagues in the world we would be saying that the result last night was fantastic!

As it was utd. that we played it is seen by many as a failure.
That's exactly how I see it too. There wouldn't be half the shit we've got on here today if that result had been against Chelsea. In fact, the mood would be quite upbeat. Whatever some people on here like to think, united are NOT shit and they WILL finish in the top 4, probably just behind Chelsea in second place. Put in that context, there's absolutely nothing wrong with last night's result; defeat, on the other hand, would have been disastrous.
Fair point. United are nowhere near as strong as they have been in previous seasons, but they are still a disciplined team with a desire to beat us.

Last night I was frustrated at our apparent lack of willingness to get forward, to win the game - it felt like a snub by Mancini and the players on what this game means to City fans. Toure's switch to a forward also worried me, and bringing on Ade for Tevez with 2 mins left? I'll admit I have concerns - does Mancini know what he is doing? Have we not got the right players?

But in the cold hard light of day we do have to remember that it's an improvement over last year. The test now is Brum on Saturday - we need 3 points from then to prove to everyone, even to our own City fans, that we can beat teams and want to win games.

Just be thankful the rags are not able to laud it over us this morning - they didn't beat us, they weren't much better than us. Beat Brum and we're well into the top 4 with Christmas approaching - now, that IS progress.
EalingBlue2 said:
A lot of people are getting whingier and whingier as we get better.

There was no more moaning under Pearce at our worst than there is today.... truly amazing
Relative comparison?

Pearce had a team of shit (apart from Joey, thanks Joey) and no momey. We played to not get beat coz we had to. What is the reason to do that now? I'm not talking just about last night.
daveduke67 said:
Had we been playing in the European Champions League last night against the Italian Serie A 2009/10 runners up, who had won the league three of the last four seasons, the Coppa Italia last season, won the CL trophy three years ago, were currently unbeaten, without a goal against sat at the top of the CL qualifying group and currently unbeaten in one of the best leagues in the world we would be saying that the result last night was fantastic!

As it was utd. that we played it is seen by many as a failure.

I wish people would be a bit more positive - this negative feeling is precisely the mindset that Mancini said was holding the club back when he got here. He's battling to change it and it looks like he's slowly getting there.

It's a shame he can't have a word with a few who sit near me! I heard a few comments along the lines of 'they're going to score we're going to lose this I just know it - they always score at the end' These people had done precisely what ferguson want's the other teams to do - fold at the end.

We're sitting in fourth place - we've beaten the PL champions, drawn against the runners up and lost against third place - we are still a young team. These three have years of experience playing together - something that our momey simply can't buy. There's not many clubs had so many player changes in such a short time - and been as successful as we are at the moment.

In last year - near enough new keeper, left and right backs, two new wingers, four midfielders and a new striker - that's almost a full team!

How dare you come on here and talk sense !!!!
This thread will be getting removed any time now !!

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