A letter from Sheikh Mansour...

Even in our wildest dreams we couldn’t have hoped for a better owner. As he said the club will get things wrong sometimes but that they’ll continue to do the best for the club. I hope we remember that. That’s all any fans should expect really.

Love to meet him some day and say nothing but just give him the biggest hug for an inappropriately long time.
hahaha "...inappropriately long time..." LOVE it.
Quite disappointed TBH. A hand-written note scribed in iron gall ink on 120gsm thudding on to the mat would have been much more authentic when compared to an electronic mass-produced missive for the masses. I expect better for the 20 year anniversary.
The guy has been brilliant in investing in us but I'd hazard a guess this was written by an aide.
No shame in that he's royalty and has a lot going on and I doubt very much he has a clue about the 'Mendy shark' thing bar what he has been told by others.

Forever grateful for his money but for me we owe so much more to Khaldoon who has taken that money and invested it wisely to see us now as a half a billion pound a year business
The guy has been brilliant in investing in us but I'd hazard a guess this was written by an aide.
No shame in that he's royalty and has a lot going on and I doubt very much he has a clue about the 'Mendy shark' thing bar what he has been told by others.

Forever grateful for his money but for me we owe so much more to Khaldoon who has taken that money and invested it wisely to see us now as a half a billion pound a year business

I bet it wasn’t. Like it was mentioned in the documentary, mansour rings Khaldoon after every game pretty sure he has a clue
Delusional Dippers and Rags will be livid that he’s not bored and it’s for life.
Thank you Sheik Mansour, you can only imagine what you’ve brought to us. You are truly loved by us all.
We are CITY.

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