A new fan..

carlos tevez is a blue

Well-Known Member
25 Nov 2010
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.ja606.co.uk/articles/viewArticle/69953" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.ja606.co.uk/articles/viewArticle/69953</a>

Response to some stuff that was said in another thread regarding my recent switch...

Don't accuse me of deserting. Where were the fans when I almost got arrested at Ewood last month trying to confront the owners? Nowhere. That's what deserting someone is. Gave the club chance after chance that is not deserting. Saying that is ignorance on a par with venkys and Kean. Ironic.

If you were not as big a liar as the owners you're protesting against (ironic really for rovers fans to moan about being lied to) you would read properly what was said on that Man City board. Would have stopped supporting Rovers years ago if it was as simple as glory hunting.

It was more hate for Man United (plus a friend of mine who supported rovers slightly longer than me persuaded me to switch its easier when you have someone to go to games with) but also the fact that since the 6-1 game I've actually enjoyed watching football again. It restored my faith. Got Man City to thank for that. Is it wrong to watch football and actually enjoy it with owner, fans, players and manager who I actually respect? I've never hated City (or anyone aside from United) my contempt for Leslie was already clear before he went there. Loved the way the sheik fired him too. Yes I hate United but positive feelings for City are getting stronger by the day.

The thought had occasionally crossed my mind to go elsewhere. Thought about going to Man City, Liverpool or even Leeds (notice a pattern?) but it was never a serious consideration then mainly because I didn't want to go on my own. Certain events took place and it feels like it was "meant to be." I won't just be sitting at home watching them either.

Maybe I should have left the club after less than 40 games and still claim to be a "Blackburn" fan like some people are doing. Be treated as a hero then wouldn't I? Looking forward to cheering your beloved hero are you?

Truth is I haven't been a fan for a while now. Kept going purely out of loyalty to Jack Walker and the hope that a takeover might work out. I never said it would be a guaranteed success that's another lie by Pie Eater. Are Everton fans wrong for wanting something better? What if Kean is sacked and gets replaced by someone worse maybe some nobody who manages in the Indian league? Would that make Rovers fans wrong for wanting him out?

Ironic that more and more people are now realising the walkers were nothing but cancer. Saw someone admit it on here recently even if they could only bring themselves to acknowledge that in a "strange way" I was right. Was right end of nothing strange about it. That's what deserting is leaving a club and your father/brother's legacy to rot and none of you cared. You never listened frustrating isn't it being ignored? Now you should know how it feels.

Fans, manager, owners you're all as big a bunch of liars as each other. Maybe you deserve each other. At least I've been honest about leaving and my reasons (which I could write a encyclopedia on never mind my response to this thread)

Don't owe you an explanation because you're too ignorant to actually understand you drove me away. Only have yourselves to blame for forcing out not just one supporter but two. We didn't just become glory hunters overnight don't you think that's a lazy, simplistic assumption?

I remeber the lad came on here.
Strong feelings there. However, you never quit, you never give up. That's what we did. We stayed in our thousands. We recognised things were inconceivably bad but stood firm in the belief that one day things would get better. We never dreamed it would be like this for us, but we believed we would be back someday in one form or another.

All about an individual's right to choose and if he wants to come to us, who are we to stop him. But for me, once you are married to a club, you can never divorce.
Its just fucking weird if you ask me. You can't just switch, you can't just chop and change. Supporting you club is supposed to be something that's just in you, and ok i understand we all have different reasons for supporting our beloved club in the first place (ie. family, location, friends) etc but its supposed to be something sacred!

Its a bond like no other that can't be broken and you stick with through thick and thin and you take the bad with the good. to me the fact with have all stuck with it and tasted the lows make all these highs we are having now all the more sweeter. Imagine being a rag post 92 and just expecting constant success, wheres the fun in that? Anyway my point being its being there in the bad times that show your character as a football fan for me and any neutral i talk to on the subject has told me exactly the same 'you City fans deserve it' even had dipper mates telling me they 'hope City win the league' and not plastic dippers season ticket holders at Anfield. Just cannot see how if you change or glory hunt you get any enjoyment out of the success tbh, baffles me!
People support any team they want to for whatever reason, IE family ties, local club, introduced by a mate, glory hunters, like the colours, etc etc.

As a very young kid I lived in Darwin for a while and my first games of watching were at Blackburn Rovers so that's who I supported, simple as that.

By the time I was eleven I was living in the Greater Manchester area, Radcliffe to be precise but was introduced to City by a family from Wythenshawe. I've supported City ever since, simple as that.

I've known people who've switched from the rags to us and vice versa, it happens. My own opinion is you support whoever you want to and no need to justify your choice to anyone. If this ex-Blackburn fan wants to switch to us that's entirely up to him, simple as that. No need for the justification or explanation IMHO.
glory hunter, imagine if wed have given up on city when we were shit, would never have happened, support blackburn !!!!!
I understand the reason for wanting out but, you just never give up supporting your club, my dad never stopped supporting City when we were sliding down through the divisions and taking me to grounds that only teams like Bury and Rochdale (no offence intended) should be visiting. and I for one am glad.
Get used to it.

There'll be plenty more where he came from. People sick of seeing other clubs winning everything and realising that the PL is only going to be going to one of four or five clubs for the forseeable future. That CL is only going to be going to one of those and domestic sliverware is likely to be going there too.

Suddenly not only have the rags got another team who look like they could knock them off their perch, but just to rub salt into their wounds, it's their greatest rivals City. That will be enough to get people switching their alliegence to us - they know how much City beating them wil hurt and they want to be part of that - add that to seeing some fantastic football and the floodgates will burst wide open.

I've got my seasoncard so it doesn't bother me - I'll always have somewhere to sit for the home games :-p
People switch all the time.

I know an ex-Arsenal fan who became a City season ticket holder in the 98/99 season.
Div 3 and he became an ST for the first time, he was at York, Gillingham and Wembley.

Some people arn't so hardcore as posters on here, they do skip from club to club for all kinds of reasons.

Not worth getting upset about and just except that not all football fans are tribal.

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