A question to the Hughes Outers

getyourratout said:
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Again, on this thread we have very vocal former 'Hughes Inners' being extremely quick to write off the new manager and to show no respect for the 'give him time' mantra that was their war cry for their fallen hero.

Including a couple at least who I recall beingdisparaging and insulting towards Mancini before he had even managed a game here (another nice irony given the oft repeated "you won't give him a chance because he is a rag" accusations of old).

So I suppose my question to them is, if you were so prepared to give Hughes time (a stance that is fine, even if I don't agree with it) then how come you are so vociferous with the attacks and running down of Mancini - especially given the disparity in the time that he was here and the time that Hughes was being credited with 'needing more time.'

Was your rabid support for anything Hughes really down to a belief in a manager needed millions and millions and a couple of seasons before he can be judged (in which case why the change now) or was it just a blind belief that Hughes was a quality manager and that Mancini is not (in which case I'd love to see an attempt by you to construct that argument with anything approaching rational evidence)

Thought i would give this post a quick bump. Best post in the thread, and one no-one seems to have answered.

The thing is that nobody but drama queens have called for Mancini to be sacked. I like most of the Hughes Inners, didn't agree with Hughes being sacked because of the instability we knew it would bring by introducing a new manager mid-season. The current run of bad form isn't a coincidence, it's the expected result of introducing managerial changes, especially one so drastic. While Mancini very may well grind away a spot into the CL this season, there's no reason he should need to. We have enough talent for him to play many different styles, but he's consistently stuck to what he's known (4-3-3 or the slightly different 4-3-1-2) even when it's failed to work time and time again, showing he isn't exactly the genius he's been made out to be in his relatively early reign.

What the Hughes Inners would like is for Outters to:

1) Stop blaming the team's poor performance recently on:
a) Hughes poor signings - Cook and Marwood have had just as much input on the team's player purchasing as Hughes. Team is just f'n fine for where we're at in our project.
b) A couple dozen fans on blue moon negative rumbling
c) Teams like Stoke that are ruining football by playing long ball. It's a tactic, get over it. Arsenal are the only team that can credibly make this comment.

2) Stop claiming the Roberto Mancini is a tactical genius and Hughes was a dim-wit. They both had tactical approaches that were/are valid. It's a matter of preference, not one being more superior. Hughes won some big games this season and so did Mancini but neither has really taken us to that next level.

3) Stop claiming that not getting behind our current manager is anti-city when you spent 18 months not getting behind the-then-current manager. Kind of like a thief lecturing you on the morals of not stealing.

We are fully prepared to back Mancini but we have a right to expect a certain standard of play from our team considering that the previous manager was sacked for failing to have the team perform at it's best. I'll be better prepared to admit Mancini was a successful appointment after this month's set of fixtures and he's shown he can get wins against some tough competition and has improved the team's play in his formation(s) of choice.
macmanson said:
getyourratout said:
Thought i would give this post a quick bump. Best post in the thread, and one no-one seems to have answered.

The thing is that nobody but drama queens have called for Mancini to be sacked. I like most of the Hughes Inners, didn't agree with Hughes being sacked because of the instability we knew it would bring by introducing a new manager mid-season. The current run of bad form isn't a coincidence, it's the expected result of introducing managerial changes, especially one so drastic. While Mancini very may well grind away a spot into the CL this season, there's no reason he should need to. We have enough talent for him to play many different styles, but he's consistently stuck to what he's known (4-3-3 or the slightly different 4-3-1-2) even when it's failed to work time and time again, showing he isn't exactly the genius he's been made out to be in his relatively early reign.

What the Hughes Inners would like is for Outters to:

1) Stop blaming the team's poor performance recently on:
a) Hughes poor signings - Cook and Marwood have had just as much input on the team's player purchasing as Hughes. Team is just f'n fine for where we're at in our project.
b) A couple dozen fans on blue moon negative rumbling
c) Teams like Stoke that are ruining football by playing long ball. It's a tactic, get over it. Arsenal are the only team that can credibly make this comment.

2) Stop claiming the Roberto Mancini is a tactical genius and Hughes was a dim-wit. They both had tactical approaches that were/are valid. It's a matter of preference, not one being more superior. Hughes won some big games this season and so did Mancini but neither has really taken us to that next level.

3) Stop claiming that not getting behind our current manager is anti-city when you spent 18 months not getting behind the-then-current manager. Kind of like a thief lecturing you on the morals of not stealing.

We are fully prepared to back Mancini but we have a right to expect a certain standard of play from our team considering that the previous manager was sacked for failing to have the team perform at it's best. I'll be better prepared to admit Mancini was a successful appointment after this month's set of fixtures and he's shown he can get wins against some tough competition and has improved the team's play in his formation(s) of choice.

What current run of bad form?

We are averaging 2 points per game in the prem. That's good form if you ask me.
macmanson said:
What the Hughes Inners would like is for Outters to:
Hughes inners? don't you see how ridiculous that is.

what I'd like us to do is realise that anyone who considers themselves to still have to demonstrate any loyalty to Mark Hughes is putting their own pride ahead of the best interests of the club. more than that, it's plainly futile. mancini is here til the end of the season regardless, and you can't be proven right now, except by Mancini failing. still I suppose people could exagerrate his failings, make it seem like we are going down the pan instead of up the table, and they might get some satisfaction from that.

really it took me a year to make up my mind about Hughes. I defended him all through the winter when we dropped down the table like a stone. Eventually I decided, due to defensive chaos being a constant throughout his tenure, that he was probably not competent for the job. Because I didn't like his way of doing things I didn't hold back from slating him. I felt bad about that towards the end, and I felt bad when I realised I was getting in bed with people who had never given him a chance, and people who were just unrealistic and fickle. But most people who didn't rate him were like me, we had considered it for a long time, given him many chances. Ultimately not many wanted him sacked immediately. That was the owners decision. If you think the ramblings of a few people on this board were the driving force, you need a reality check.

I think it's just a poor show for some people to be jumping on every negative at the exact moment when we enter the decisive period of the season, especially as there is no prospect whatsoever of Mancini leaving before the end of the season. What is to be gained by wilful negativity, except for a few people to feel they have justified their support for someone who is now GONE? anyone who is still in one camp or the other is living in the past at a time where the here and now couldn't be more intriguing, couldn't be more significant.
Prestwich_Blue said:
bizzbo said:
A draw at Stoke is a very respectable result, especially with several key players missing,
It certainly could (and should) have been worse.

Draws at Liverpool, Villa & Brum are also respectable yet Hughes got slated on here by the "outers" after those results. The apologists for the match-fixing mafioso will bend every argument and use every excuse to justify themselves, even when those excuses fly in the face of logic.

Because of the fact that You show by yourself to be an ignorant, probably quite illiterate, racist xenophobe, You need to be teached:
Mr. mancini had been a victim of match-fixing scandal that infected Seria A. It has been proved by either italian football association and ordinary Judiciary procedures. As a result of those processes the league title had been striped from the guilty club and awarded to the fair Club he was managing.

Compared records, numbers, statistics, points ratio and tables are not excuses, but matter of fact. While it is brightly adamant that there are many football managers who would be able to deliver success to City under a huge wealthy ownership and a solid top management, it is as well clear the MH is not and will never be listed among those.

Furthermore, as an additional matter of fact, You are desperately trying to divert the only healty focus a supporter should have few days before the most important match in the club history since last 30 years. As a factual result, You can rattle on being the most blue C.t.i.d. ever, but sadly You behave like the worst scrum would do.
ocimpean said:
I wont debate Hughes vs. Mancini. But, what I am angry at, is the moment they decided to do it, at half of the season AND before the semi with United. I really hope for that Cook's head will be next under the guillotine.

x2 + Marwood...the ex Nike clowns are wrecking the stability of the club! BTW Mankini isn't & never will be a top class manager because he keeps making the same mistakes & isn't adapting his gameplan to the EPL...he's obviously happy with the players he's got because he only signed one old man from Italy & an inexperienced Champ player & loaned out a far better prospect in Weiss! No one will convince me that Mankini is a step forward until he beats someone of relevance & so far he's beaten, drawn & lost to mediocre opposition that MH got the same or better results against. MH lost 3-0 to a strong Spurs side at the top of the EPL & got absolutely slated for it...Mankini lost to a mid table Toffees side & the reaction was 'never mind'...unbelievable!! We can all debate & have our own personal choices, but Mankini is a BAD manager & has taken the threat out of our game, which was a vital part of the MH game, which was how dangerous we were in attack...because now we're a 'lion with no teeth' other teams don't fear us anymore & attack us with confidence & this was clear with Stoke the last 2 games. They proved that the Italian style of game that Mankini has instilled on City has us running back to goal as soon as we lose the ball, rather than closing the other team down & it doesn't work, it just gives the other team the confidence to attack us at will...even a mediocre team like Stoke, who looked far more threatening than us!!

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