Abolishing the fox hunting ban

Mad Eyed Screamer

26 Nov 2010
Did I mention I'd been on Eggheads?
This could happen tomorrow. The tory toffs are pushing for the repelling of the ban on fox hunting.
Morrissey, as ever, has it spot on

Hunt the hunters

Having nothing better to do, David Cameron is attempting to very slyly abolish the Hunting Act this coming Wednesday. The Hunting Act prohibits animals from being terrorized and chased by packs of hounds across the countryside (and also through towns) to the point of exhaustion and a savage death. The British people overwhelmingly support a full ban on hunting, which is precisely why David Cameron is not allowing the public to have their say (democracy? freedom of speech? not in the UK!), because both he and the Battenbergs would be deprived of their most enjoyable pastime: killing defenceless animals.
The hunters have had enough freedom and enough blood. Their time is over. However a person treats animals is an indication of how they view humans. David Cameron cannot lecture on restricting gun laws in the UK whilst himself shooting anything that moves.

In support of upholding the present Hunting Act, please:

Urge your MP to block the Hunting Act amendment: https://www.writetothem.com

Sign the petition: http://bit.ly/1J80xTZ

Share on social media using #keeptheban

or attempt to reach the unreachable:

David Cameron, 10 Downing Street, London SW1A 2AA

or send an open letter to:


Meanwhile, don't be surprised by a sudden flux of BBC News items highlighting the 'nuisance' and 'danger' of the urban fox. Fox Squeezes Through Letter-box To Eat Grandmother Alive is certain to be a UK newspaper headline before Wednesday. Do not be taken in. Remember the badgers.

thank you
Chicago, 9 July 2015.
Cameron is not allowing the public to have their say (democracy? freedom of speech? not in the UK!)

Bollocks - it was in the manifesto. Not all Tories support fox hunting - I'm a member of the party and I think it is abhorrent. There are several Tory MPs expressing support for the ban. Brian May has been asking people to leave the Tory scum banners behind for the protest he will be addressing.
If a cull is needed, hire a few hunters who won't get a hard on doing it. There is no need to have these animals chased down and ripped apart.
If your gonna hunt, make it painless and quick for your quarry and eat what you hunt beyond a cull.

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