Adebayor (merged)

alasatra said:
"You have a very good team but there are question marks over the majority of your strikers (RVP is injury prone, Eduardo is amazing but I think he will struggle with injuries, Bendtner is...gash, Walcott is quickly becoming Aaron Lennon if he doesnt start focusing. Arshavin looks awesome though.) and cesc is acting like a little girl at the moment as well. Vermaleen really doesnt look the answer at the back, Your CB pairing is not right with Gallas and Toure, and your back up squad is very weak and inexperienced. Its just my opinion but if we are aiming for anyone in the top 4, its you."IN OTHER WORDS,YOU CITY LADS R GONA FOOK THOSE POOFTEER WATERMELONS UP,THE YOUNG ARSENAL TARTS,HALF OF THEM R GAY.

You must be 5 or just into Watermelons?
pfunker said:
svennis pennis said:
pfunker said:
Hopefully the Sun is right for once and we can put this saga to bed once and for all. It also means Wenger should have time to get a decent replacement in and also and DCM. Do you guys think you will be ready for the top 4 this season, being realistic, personally I think you are going to need a season to bed in. I also don't think it will be at our expense. As long as we add to our squad and don't lose anyone else I have a feeling we could have a decent season. I don't think looking at any other the other top 3(or 4 if including you) squads they are that much stronger than us. I also don't think so far the clubs such as Villa, scum etc have strengthened enough to challenge.

Guardian are also reporting he could sign today as well. I hope they are right.

I think we could take a time to settle but there is a real buzz around the club, something I have never felt before in all my time supporting the club. I get the impression we are going to hit the ground running.

I have a soft spot for Arsenal and of all the top 4 you would be the last team I would want to punt out, however i just feel you are there for the taking. You have a very good team but there are question marks over the majority of your strikers (RVP is injury prone, Eduardo is amazing but I think he will struggle with injuries, Bendtner is...gash, Walcott is quickly becoming Aaron Lennon if he doesnt start focusing. Arshavin looks awesome though.) and cesc is acting like a little girl at the moment as well. Vermaleen really doesnt look the answer at the back, Your CB pairing is not right with Gallas and Toure, and your back up squad is very weak and inexperienced. Its just my opinion but if we are aiming for anyone in the top 4, its you.

Interesting view however I would like to point out that RVP was fully fit for most of last season and is raring to go as well as reaching his peak. Eduardo is an unknown at the moment but if he keeps fit who the hell knows! Our defense at the start of the season was crap, however Toure was recovering from Malaria. If you look at the defense after that we hardly let in any goals so actually not too worried that side. Or backup defense isn't that bad now, remember clichy will be back as well. Cesc will be 100% focused and Arshavin can open any defense up. If we can keep everyone fit, bring in a couple of signings and go back to our quick fluid attacking rather than using a target man I think we might just surprise you and a lot of other people. Tbh the pressure isn't on us this season!

Is Cesc 100% focused? All I read is him talking about Real and Barca these days.

I think the pressure is all on you in all honesty. You so far have managed to stay in the top 4 spending little amounts every now and then, financially you are not in the strongest position what with the stadium repayments etc... The pressure is on you to stay in that little clique at the top for your financial security, if we knock you out of it, your in trouble, Cesc will be an even bigger Mard arse, RVP will up and leave IMO if we do, and then the problem for you, is that even if we dont this season, next season we spend again, its only a matter of time before we knock one of the big 4 out.
pfunker said:
alasatra said:
"You have a very good team but there are question marks over the majority of your strikers (RVP is injury prone, Eduardo is amazing but I think he will struggle with injuries, Bendtner is...gash, Walcott is quickly becoming Aaron Lennon if he doesnt start focusing. Arshavin looks awesome though.) and cesc is acting like a little girl at the moment as well. Vermaleen really doesnt look the answer at the back, Your CB pairing is not right with Gallas and Toure, and your back up squad is very weak and inexperienced. Its just my opinion but if we are aiming for anyone in the top 4, its you."IN OTHER WORDS,YOU CITY LADS R GONA FOOK THOSE POOFTEER WATERMELONS UP,THE YOUNG ARSENAL TARTS,HALF OF THEM R GAY.

You must be 5 or just into Watermelons?

I wouldn't worry about him, it's obvious one of the patients managed to get on the PC for a few minutes.
does anybody know whether or not adabeyor has been training with Arsenal these last few days????
celf said:
does anybody know whether or not manu has been training with Arsenal these last few days????

If they have then that explains why Adebayor wants to leave....Watch out! O Shea's about!
svennis pennis said:
pfunker said:
svennis pennis said:
pfunker said:
Hopefully the Sun is right for once and we can put this saga to bed once and for all. It also means Wenger should have time to get a decent replacement in and also and DCM. Do you guys think you will be ready for the top 4 this season, being realistic, personally I think you are going to need a season to bed in. I also don't think it will be at our expense. As long as we add to our squad and don't lose anyone else I have a feeling we could have a decent season. I don't think looking at any other the other top 3(or 4 if including you) squads they are that much stronger than us. I also don't think so far the clubs such as Villa, scum etc have strengthened enough to challenge.

Guardian are also reporting he could sign today as well. I hope they are right.

I think we could take a time to settle but there is a real buzz around the club, something I have never felt before in all my time supporting the club. I get the impression we are going to hit the ground running.

I have a soft spot for Arsenal and of all the top 4 you would be the last team I would want to punt out, however i just feel you are there for the taking. You have a very good team but there are question marks over the majority of your strikers (RVP is injury prone, Eduardo is amazing but I think he will struggle with injuries, Bendtner is...gash, Walcott is quickly becoming Aaron Lennon if he doesnt start focusing. Arshavin looks awesome though.) and cesc is acting like a little girl at the moment as well. Vermaleen really doesnt look the answer at the back, Your CB pairing is not right with Gallas and Toure, and your back up squad is very weak and inexperienced. Its just my opinion but if we are aiming for anyone in the top 4, its you.

Interesting view however I would like to point out that RVP was fully fit for most of last season and is raring to go as well as reaching his peak. Eduardo is an unknown at the moment but if he keeps fit who the hell knows! Our defense at the start of the season was crap, however Toure was recovering from Malaria. If you look at the defense after that we hardly let in any goals so actually not too worried that side. Or backup defense isn't that bad now, remember clichy will be back as well. Cesc will be 100% focused and Arshavin can open any defense up. If we can keep everyone fit, bring in a couple of signings and go back to our quick fluid attacking rather than using a target man I think we might just surprise you and a lot of other people. Tbh the pressure isn't on us this season!

Is Cesc 100% focused? All I read is him talking about Real and Barca these days.

I think the pressure is all on you in all honesty. You so far have managed to stay in the top 4 spending little amounts every now and then, financially you are not in the strongest position what with the stadium repayments etc... The pressure is on you to stay in that little clique at the top for your financial security, if we knock you out of it, your in trouble, Cesc will be an even bigger Mard arse, RVP will up and leave IMO if we do, and then the problem for you, is that even if we dont this season, next season we spend again, its only a matter of time before we knock one of the big 4 out.

All I read is Cesc refuting allegations that he is going anywhere, total paper talk, haven't you worked out the way the Spanish clubs use the press yet? If Cesc leaves it's only if Wenger wants him to go. RVP has just signed a long term contract with us a few weeks ago, he was on the last year of his contract and had a number of clubs after him, why would he bother if he was going to up and leave?

As for finances believe what you want to. Have you actually read our accounts, do you know what our payments are? I think you will find out they are comfortably low ie in the region of £25m, I believe the interest rates are fixed at 5%. We can easily survive without CL money. I think Liverpool and Man-U have far more debt than we do. Do you honestly think our board and Wenger are going to advertise how much money we have to spend? Spending millions doesn't necessarily equate to success ie look at clubs such as Spurs. Even Chelsea aren't exactly on the up at the moment.
I wouldn't worry about him, it's obvious one of the patients managed to get on the PC for a few minutes." no just thai chick thats eating me off.i Kicked her off now,so the real me is back,the sensible one,hi guyss

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