Adebayor might be leaving

Lazy sod, you have to sit through hours of idle dross to reach a moment of brilliance, not much use really!
A very important player, he will only go if we have a replacement of his calibre or higher in Mancinis opinion. Dzeko & Balotelli in, RSC & Ade out possibly.
Can only assume there's been a breakthrough with Dzeko/Ibra, why else wouldn't he get playing time?

Very odd. We've been relying on him and Jo all preseason as our only strikers.
ono said:
To be honest i'm feeling a bit numb from it. Hughes bought a lot of players, and some clearly aren't good enough to play week in week out. Adebayor is good enough, so this is hard to take if it's got any weight behind it.

I'm finding it hard to care. I can't relate to some of the players because we've either paid way too much for them and they're decidedly average (Bridge, Barry, Lescott), or they're only going to be here for a year or so (Robinho, Adebayor, Bellamy, RSC).

It just all seems a big mess at the minute. I understand things change quickly, but this is insane. If this appraoch takes us to where want to be then it'll be worth it, but i don't see how player turnover can be healthy when it's on such a high level.

Am really relating to this post.

What I'm missing is the LINK between punter and fan - with the good money on some of the homegrown/local lads leaving, Ireland/SWP/Onuoha/M Johnson etc how can one anyone empathise with any of the current squad ?

I, like everyone else is craving success, but at the moment, like ono has said, the signings don't excite me, though, hey, we haven't seen them play yet.

It all just seems from another support will still be as vociferously vocal on show as always though, once i take my seat for the Liverpool game.
The only explanation is that Baloteli has been signed. All this talk of wages is smokescreen.

If Baloteli is here then he will partner Tevez.

Does this mean that Pre Season top scorer Jo will remain?
FantasyIreland said:
A poor buy and,overall,a player,who i have never taken to,who just doesn't seem City,and ultimately,one i wont miss.
Hhahahahahahaha that is the worst sentence I have ever set eyes on hahahaha...

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