Aguero's Twitter (Translate please)

Robinho's Subbuteo said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
In Dublin with my new team-mates. Is Jo cup-tied?

"In Dublin with team mates, having a good time. Looking forward to tracking back against Inter in Dublin"
The Daily Mail translation:
"In Dublin fighting the first few days with my new tteam-mates. Had some great scraps. Tomorrow fighting against Inter in the Dublin Super Cup."
Tricky_Trev said:
Daily Mail: "Unfortunately, i'm in some shit hole called Dublin with my pathetic, egotistical new team mates. It's fucking freezing, i'm having a shit time and i can't wait for the Dublin Super Cup game against Inter to finish, so that i can quit and go back home."

HA! Word for word apart from the fact you missed out the bit about him wanting to see his kids though
raininspain said:
jjeangi said:
Can anyone translate this from Spanish to English?

En Dublin, viviendo los primeros dias con mis nuevos compañeros del City. Y con muy buena onda! Hoy contra el Inter por la Dublin Super Cup.

As Kun's in Dublin, I would definitely translate this as 'great craic with my new team-mates'!!!!!!!!!!!!

'Buena onda' is NOT a term that we would use over here in mainland Spain, where they would normally say 'mis nuevos compeñeros me caen muy bien'.

Basically, it means that he's settling in really well and is enjoying the company of his new team-mates.
But I'm sure the Daily Fail will make something else of it!!!!!!

This. 'Buena onda' is an Argentinean Spanish phrase that basically means he likes what is going on. Still have to remind myself he is not Spanish when I listen to his interviews or read his tweets otherwise they strike as odd.
Tricky_Trev said:
Daily Mail: "Unfortunately, i'm in some shit hole called Dublin with my pathetic, egotistical new team mates. It's fucking freezing, i'm having a shit time and i can't wait for the Dublin Super Cup game against Inter to finish, so that i can quit and go back home."


jjeangi said:
Can anyone translate this from Spanish to English?

En Dublin, viviendo los primeros dias con mis nuevos compañeros del City. Y con muy buena onda! Hoy contra el Inter por la Dublin Super Cup.

"They tell me I am the best player since Dion Dublin, I am going to camp in the city rather than buy a big house. I will travel to games on my Honda 50. I am not into the Dublin comparison as he is a huge mug"

My Spanish is a bit rusty but I think that's the gist of it.
he must of seen this thread as he has translated it

"In Dublin I live my first day with my new friends of City. In with good filing. To day we play against inter for the Dublin Super Cup"

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