AJAY's INSIDE INFO Main Posts Extracts


Well-Known Member
3 Nov 2008
This is a summary of AJAYS inside info., to help you decide if you want to or do not want to believe. Ultimately time and what actually happens will be the judge?

Administrator Ric has posted a shortcut (Jan. 2nd much appeciated) on AJAYS main thread Page 118 which allows users to automatically view all AJAYs posts minus the users comments. I agree with Ric do not abuse Ajay, if you do not trust his information do not bother reading it and posting abusive remarks.

So no future updates need from me (Last page covered in these updates from main AJAY thread is Page 188 January 2nd).

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 8:39 pm (Page 30)
Ok guys, here goes:
The news is as follows (in no particular order):

1. ADUG are backing MH and will do for at least the rest of the season, however a few people are very concerned that any further 'shock' losses may force an earlier decision. The problem they have is simple - if Hughes goes who would be caretaker until they bring on board the new manager?

2. Two potential manager replacements have been approach and one other has approached us several times with a very defined plan that he believes will put us in Championship by the end of next season - yes he is 'the special one'.

3. Lassana was not offered a deal by us, his agents made several approaches but the club felt his price and more so his personal demands where far too high and that the money could be spent much better elsewhere.

4. Bellamy has been mentioned and dismissed, that said he will be considered if the club has no other choice.

5. ADUG and the club are NOT going to entertain any of the stupid prices and demands being made by some agents and players, although the money is available they do not want to be exploited and will not be pushed into a corner.

6. One of our major targets (a striker) has been dismissed after he asked for wages that exceeded 220k per week! several meetings took place and a deal had been agreed based on agreeing personal terms - that is when the deal fell apart. The players club are very disappointed with the player and his manager and are still pushing for the deal to go through but we are standing very firm that no one is going to get paid silly money.

7. The club have recently reprimanded several players for various reasons mostly surrounding their personal conduct and attitude.

8. up to four players may leave in January - non have requested a transfer but the club have decided they will be 'marketed' only if the price is right.

9. Two players have been offered loan deals - 1 is keen the other not!

10. The Elano vs. Hughes stories are over exaggerated - yes there was a 'bust up' but Hughes and a ADUG representative met with him and settled things down, Elano has not been selected because Hughes is adamant that he needs to improve his team play ethics before entering the first squad again.

11. The strong possibility of a new major keeper has been directly discussed with Hart who has welcomed the opportunity to play alongside and learn from such a person - Yes Buffon is a strong possibility and regardless of the press there has been several meetings and personal terms have been agreed but no deal has been confirmed yet.

12. Numerous strikers have been discussed including Tevez, Torres, Villa and an unnamed major premiership striker who has said he is willing to discuss a possible move to us - and NO it is not Owen or RSC (who by the way is pissed at Big Sam coming in and trying to block his move).

13. Kala Toure is on our short list but the Arse are not keen to sell and we are not keen to pay too much.

14. ADUG will not make any purchase without the approval of Hughes not matter who the player is, they have names they have given Hughes but they have said it is his decision if he wants to pursue them.

15. ADUG is fully aware of the unrest amongst the supporters but will not bow to pressure just to sign players in order to keep the public and media happy, they and Hughes want players who will fit, who will contribute and who have a long term view to our plans.

16. ADUG has a group of consultants monitoring the financial performance of some of the premiership and worlds leading clubs, they believe they can take full advantage of the financial crisis some of these clubs and their owners face but again will not enter into dealing around stupid money.

17. The aim is that between 3-5 signings will take place in January and all but two will happen within the first week of the transfer window opening, the remaining two will be suggest to more complicated negotiations that if both parties cannot agree in January will be left to follow through in the Summer.

18. Everyone wants to avoid naming names as they see the press as our biggest obstacle at the moment and every time a name is mentioned the press are causing hysteria that then reduces the chances of the two respective parties talking.

19. Kaka is favorite to join, ideally in January but may move to summer due to personal circumstances. Robiniho has put forward a strong argument and list of potential players who can bring a new level of experience to the squad, he is adamant that some of the current squads performance would significantly improve if his recommendations are considered - one such player he names would improve dramatically is Jo who he believes should be given the chance to show the club what he currently does for his countries squad!

20. Investment in the clubs infastructure has all been improved and this includes the new state-of-art training and rehabilitation centre plus a number of improvements to our stadium and its customer facilities (including a new store in the clubs grounds).
There you go, I have named a few names but cannot be more specific at this stage.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 4:33 pm (Page 67)
Questions presented to AJAY by another poster with AJAY’s answers (some minor tidying up of questions formatting). AJAY answers in bold.

AJAY so can you 100% say that a superstar will be on his way


and you still haven't answered regarding bellamy and parker is it a smokescreen


and will city sign one of villa and kaka

Very likely but the question is Jan or summer

and why would the arabs allow hughes to buy average premiership cast offs when there is enough money to buy quality players senna ?

Who says they are allowing him to buy them - or was it The Sun again?

in addition if we make the bigger step regarding transfers ultimately it will mean we will progress futher AND FASTER

The money, intention and ambition is there, so why not?

  • Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 5:55 pm Page 86

i am currently in the Emirate of Fujairah enjoying a 2 day holiday with my family, I spent yesterday evening with a group in Abu Dhabi including 3 senior ADUG executives.

At 12:30am they told me that they had signed and authorise 8 official offers that had been made this morning to 6 premiership and two international clubs, more offers are being prepared with at least 3 acting as red herrings to both the press and clubs involved.

I will take as much stick as some can throw but this is the case and this is what happened!

We also recieved 4 offers for our players, two have been immedtaily dismissed (one I know was for Sturridge) but the other two are under consideration!

As most will know, AC Milan are in the UAE on their winter taining and exhibition tour!

The club still aim for 6 to 8 signings and some of the offers recieved have recieved a favouable response.

I am her in Fujairah (by the beach, its great) and will return to Dubai on Saturday, by then I hope the first signing has been made official if not I will try and get more information.

PS: for those on here who want to question me let me confirm:

1. I am using my phone to log on and post this, and before I get stupid comments it a Nokia E90 so I can browse the web and post!

2. Fujairah is roughly 1.5 hours drive from Dubai depending on the traffic on the Emirates road, especially passing through Ajmal (another UAE) Emirate!

3. Time stamp, 10:00pm UAE.

To those who have PM'd me I apologise that I have not replied to you all yet but I will when I et to a proper PC.

Thank you and goodnite from the UAE

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:49 pm Page: 88

sorry guys, last post of the evening but I am really sorry to say that Bellamy is not the red herring we all wish it is!

However that said he is not top of the list but seen as a short term solution should our main targets fail to come through this month.

MH truely believes in Bellamy and he was on the shopping list!

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 6:40 am Page 93

Yes I agree the information i vaue but sadly it will remain that way until I am iven the ren liht to nae peole, until then here is an update I received this morning:

1. Bridge accepted personal terms last night but the clubs have not agreed a final price nor have we areed a payment structure.

2. RSC is onoing but fat am is being a T&*T abut the price and demanding in excess of 22M we are not wiling to pay anything near that.

3. We have recived offer for Sturidge, one a loan offer and the other a substantial cash offer, these have not been rejected yet!

4. Our offer for Toure has been rejected but we are making a fresh offr today.

5. We have recieved an offer for Garrido that was rejected immediately.

6 We have made an offer for Torres and Tevez - no reaction recieved from eithr club yet!

Thats it for now.


Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 11:58 am Page 97

kaka is here along with his father!

All I can say is that people have met with them both again and talks are on going.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 3:01 pm Page 101

so Bridge is done :)

I have a nice sms that we have agreed a club transfer and personal terms with one of our BIG targets, club officials are working hard to close the legals this evening but the news may be delayed due to the death of the Ruler of UAQ, news may be released Saturday or Sunday.

2nd offer for Garrido recieved and rejected.

New loan offer for Sturidge (to Hull) recieved and rejected.

Cheer, going for something to eat and spend some time with my wife as she is convinced I am having an affair because the emount of time I am sending sms's, emails and logging on to the internet :(

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 5:38 pm Page 113

bloody hell this forum is full of childish foul mouthed morons, well some of you are!

My IP address was traced and my address was even posted on here and the removed at my request.

Do the doubters on here really think I can post names on here without totally breaking my links?

Do people on here really think the UK press are God?

UAE media is controlled and news is released as and when the people involved say so!

Do you think that as a manager or club you would risk jepordising a deal by disclosing negotiations that you have been told you cannot release, would you risk it?

The only reason I post on here is for the people who want to read it, the rest of you can (and I lower myself to your standards by saying this), FUCK OFF and dont read this post!

The rest of you I thank for making this thread 112 pages plus long and accepting the context of it in the way it is intended.

Re: AJAY's INSIDE INFO Main Posts Will they happen?)

Is citoeast a Rag WUM? Or am I missing something... he is almost walowing in it all. Unhealthy obsession or piss-taker. You decide.
Re: AJAY's INSIDE INFO Main Posts Will they happen?)

I love ajay (but not in a gay way) he's got so much info or shit in him its untrue. Love the drama
Re: AJAY's INSIDE INFO Main Posts Will they happen?)

Thanks to the OP - useful synopsis for people who don't want to trawl through 80 pages of sh!t
Re: AJAY's INSIDE INFO Main Posts Will they happen?)

In summary, during January we'll sign some players and some others will leave.
Re: AJAY's INSIDE INFO Main Posts Will they happen?)

Soulboy said:
Is citoeast a Rag WUM? Or am I missing something... he is almost walowing in it all. Unhealthy obsession or piss-taker. You decide.

He certainly puts in a shift whatever he his.

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