I can’t believe Johnson is trying to make excuses saying his staff were working hard during the pandemic. What about the NHS staff, army, delivery drivers, and other key workers, would he have condoned them having parties? They all worked a damn sight harder than fucking politicians!
You beat me to it bud. Absolute disgusting and total lack of understanding as to what was actually happening outside of their bubble

How dare he proffer that as justification.

Fuck off Johnson, you are a cancer on society
10 minutes ago I just mugged an OAP and took her tartan shopping trolley and its contents.

I take full responsibility for these actions.


Anyone want to buy a tartan shopping trolley - looks hardly used and in vgc
That's exactly it.
He takes full responsibility right up to the point where there is the prospect of any real consequences, at which point it's down to everyone else.
Government by the Bullingdon club.
Get pissed up, have a party, wreck a restaurant or a bar or two, then as you leave, throw money through the broken windows.
The currency of their behaviour was daddy’s money- it could be used to replace anything and everything. - it meant nothing to them.
Replaced now by insincere meaningless apologies.
Just like daddy’s money it means nothing to them as they throw them into the wreckage.
Only this time it’s our country not some unfortunate restaurant.
The only thing which kept Boris and his ilk somewhat in check, was being a full member of the E.U.
Now that protection has all but gone.
Bone was the first. Most fled the chamber rather than be called to ask a question. Waiting to see how the land lies (or how the liar lands).

They have a recess now - they could go home and walk the streets and gauge the support in the constituency that elected them - most don't have the bollocks to do that because they are denying the truth

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