This stuff about the rags is bollocks of the highest caliber.
A) Why does he want to leave Arsenal? He's sick of being perennial top 4 candidates and nothing more, occasionally winning small time stuff. Well that's exactly what he's going to get at the swamp!
B) What kind of football does he want to play? Well he certainly doesn't want to be a makeshift left wing back in Mourinho's patented bus system and he's never been one for tracking back so I don't see that working out.
C) Oh but what if they offer him a shit load of money? Well PSG have already done that, and he'd have more chance of winning stuff there, plus I think people are forgetting Arsenal offered him an insane contract not too long ago, if this was just about money he would have taken one of those options.
Plus I don't see why anyone would want to play for Mourinho. Mickeytarian is a very good footballer, but they've had some kind of falling out and now thats it, he'll never play and they're trying to ship him off on the cheap? I wouldn't want a boss who's that neurotic. He's constantly playing Rashford and Martial out of position and stunting their growth and he happily badmouthed Lukaku in the press when he's been off form. Again, why would you want a boss who ignores your strengths and weaknesses so much and is more than happy to throw you under the bus to save his own arse. He's already had to deal with one stubborn git for a manager and he's clearly not loving it, why jump in bed with another?
I just think the interview this Maks bloke gave this morning was genuine, then suddenly all this speculation has kicked off and he and every other journo in the land has realised they can have half the country clicking on their links by playing it up. Sam Lee just going up and up in my estimations, been calm and reasonable the whole time and isn't trying to blow it out of all proportion even though he's a rag (certainly don't think I'd be behaving as well if I was covering rag transfer news).