City agree fee with arsenal in summer? and agreed personal terms with player?
Player didn't want to stay with Arsenal but Arsenal failed to secure replacement
Arsenal didn't sell player, player furious with Arsenal as wants to play elsewhere.
January, player even more desperate to move from Arsenal, Arsenal want to sell.
Arsenal want min £X, much less than Summer, City offer less than Arsenal min.
Arsenal offered min or more from another club. Arsenal agree the 2nd club offer.
Player told Arsenal agreed 2nd club offer but not City offer. Player has x2 choices
agree personal terms with x2nd club then Arsenal release him & sell to 2nd club.
Or player not happy with 2nd club or their personal terms and he rejects move.
If player rejects move to 2nd club he can wait til summer to pursue his own wishes
without any Arsenal interference as then out of contract, but still an arsenal player.?
Arsenal could of course, if player rejects other club or personal terns, then accept the
lower offer from City, & sell in Jan, as they prefer lower offer now than zero in summer.
Sanchez doesn't want to spend another minute at Arsenal. He doesn't want Summer move