Alfie Haaland blog (merged)

i was a season ticket holder that year and i was horrified with that tackle.
that man has gone on to still be an awful person with little or no respect for other people at all
i house share with a red a good mate of twenty years or so and he agrees by the way !!
there are the odd reasonable reds around- tho few and far betweenit seems
and i agree we were pretty dire at the time
but haaland was defo a lite in the sky for us
never forget the past fellow blues
remember those great and not so great players and people that have made us what we are
kit symons
alan ball
andy morrison
niall quinn to name but a select few and my all time fave uwe the great !!
iwastherein81 said:
i was a season ticket holder that year and i was horrified with that tackle.
that man has gone on to still be an awful person with little or no respect for other people at all
i house share with a red a good mate of twenty years or so and he agrees by the way !!
there are the odd reasonable reds around- tho few and far betweenit seems
and i agree we were pretty dire at the time
but haaland was defo a lite in the sky for us
never forget the past fellow blues
remember those great and not so great players and people that have made us what we are
kit symons
alan ball
andy morrison
niall quinn to name but a select few and my all time fave uwe the great !!

I was with you until I got to Alan Ball
Re: Alfie Haaland blog on the website - great guy!

the goats backside said:
Bojinov The Bull said:

Used to love Haaland and what that absolute piece of shit R*y K**** did to him has to be the worst thing i've ever seen in football, how he got away with it the way he did i'll never know. It takes a special kind of twat to not only purposefully injure someone but then spit on them when they are on the ground as well.

Loved reading about his reaction to the last game, seems like (with good reason) he REALLY hates united and his son is a City fan. He was only with us for a relatively short time really until his injury but seems like we had a big affect on him in that time which is brilliant to see.

That was a great read for many reasons...... That assault was one of the worse things i have ever seen on the pitch and you would not believe the amount of scum fans that say it was retribution for Alfie injuring the twat when he played for Leeds, The twat that day had spent the game trying to do Alfie but injured himself....... Keane is a horrible excuse for a human being

Erm, I don't think so

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
sergiokun said:
Alfie Haaland skippered City during the 2000/01 season but was forced to retire aged 28 in 2003 after sustaining a knee injury in the 2001 Manchester derby.

He made just 38 appearances for the Blues and also played for Nottingham Forest and Leeds as well as earning 34 caps for Norway. Alfie kicks off a regular weekly column featuring ex-players and celebrities…

Alfie Haaland: Norwegian Blue

“I really enjoyed being a City player. It’s ten years since injury forced me to retire and I live back in Norway these days. We moved back in 2004 so I’ve been back home for a few years, now.

“My last full game for City was against Man United in 2001 and I stayed on for another two years after that but it was impossible to play after that with my injured knee, at least at that level.

“People keep me reminding me about the tackle by Roy Keane but I want to stay positive and remember all the good times I had in my career.

"I had many good years in England with three fantastic clubs in Nottingham Forest, Leeds and City and players get injured in football – it’s part and parcel of the game and you have to retire at some stage. I was only 28 when I hung my boots up and I could have maybe had a few more years at the top but it wasn’t to be.

“We used to play at Maine Road which was a great stadium and the fans were really passionate. It was a hard season but we had some really good times and I enjoyed playing in front of the City supporters. They were really good to me and the Club really looked after me.

“I’m really enjoying watching City and the success the Club are having is fantastic and the team are really good to watch. I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed the last game of last season against QPR, especially when Man United had to put the cork back into their champagne bottle. That made me smile and me and my son Erling, who is a City supporter, were dancing around in the lounge when Sergio Aguero scored the winner.

“City are doing well again this season and Man United will slip up along the way so I’m confident they will be feeling a touch of déjà vu by next May. United are a quality side but I can only see them and City going for the title and if we do it again, it will be even better this time.

“I can’t say I have much time for the Red half of the city - like most Blues - so it was a nice way to win the title. To see the joy on the fans’ faces that day was fantastic and they have never experienced such joy so I was really happy for them.

“I would love to come back over and see a game soon. I was offered a trip to see United v Liverpool on one of three chartered planes that were leaving from Stavanger where I live a few weeks back but I said ‘no way!’ No thanks. If it’s City, I’ll be there all day long.”

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ie-Haaland</a>

I hate Keane and if I ever see him in the street the rag scum is getting a piece of my mind

No thanks Roy. I don't want any lucky heather.
Bit of a change in attitude here - sure Haaland got stick on bluemoon, even very recently?! I always thought he was ok, ESP after the story of him paying for petrol for a group of fans after a 4-0 drubbing at charlton. Scored a decent goal v Sunderland too I think??
Re: Alfie Haaland blog on the website - great guy!

Seosa said:
It still pisses me off that nobody tried facing up to K*ane after that, hateful pikey ****. Nice to see the club keeping in touch with the past that must never be forgotten.
this is what i love about the team today ,no body would mess with them,

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