Already kicked off in Poznan.

I got taught this song by 2 Poznan fans while drinking vintage vodka after the game :) [youtube][/youtube]
There were a few scuffles and bottles/glasses thrown but it's not like it was complete mayhem.
Every Club has a silly element,
Got a lovely gash under the chin from a glass I think?
But don't remember much of it to be honest.
All the Poznan fans I spoke to were sound, I said they are the 12th man and that was not wrong.
Thought our fans were great, a shame the team did not give us a result.
It was like Poznan had won a Cup Final after the game in the square.
Fair play to them, just please beat Juventus Poznan!!!
My mate who went to posnan, has just popped round to see me! and i have to say he looks a right mess, 12 stiches in a head wound, 4 stiches at the side of his mouth and black eye that david hey would be proud of!!! He was with his mrs in a group of 10 they were on the receiving end of un provoked attack in a bar around the corner from Bee jays, reading alot of posts on here sounds like most blues had a good time with no mither, but judging by what he was telling me the poles were looking trouble! I wonder what it would of been like if they had lost to city??? they did not get any shit in the home leg, to my knowledge! if that was city fans attacking polish at the coms then it would of been all over the papers and city hating SKY, my,my how times have changed!!! and they used to call english football fans animals

-- Sun Nov 07, 2010 2:58 pm --

My mate who went to posnan, has just popped round to see me! and i have to say he looks a right mess, 12 stiches in a head wound, 4 stiches at the side of his mouth and black eye that david hey would be proud of!!! He was with his mrs in a group of 10 they were on the receiving end of un provoked attack in a bar around the corner from Bee jays, reading alot of posts on here sounds like most blues had a good time with no mither, but judging by what he was telling me the poles were looking trouble! I wonder what it would of been like if they had lost to city??? they did not get any shit in the home leg, to my knowledge! if that was city fans attacking polish at the coms then it would of been all over the papers and city hating SKY, my,my how times have changed!!! and they used to call english football fans animals<br /><br />-- Sun Nov 07, 2010 2:59 pm --<br /><br />My mate who went to posnan, has just popped round to see me! and i have to say he looks a right mess, 12 stiches in a head wound, 4 stiches at the side of his mouth and black eye that david hey would be proud of!!! He was with his mrs in a group of 10 they were on the receiving end of un provoked attack in a bar around the corner from Bee jays, reading alot of posts on here sounds like most blues had a good time with no mither, but judging by what he was telling me the poles were looking trouble! I wonder what it would of been like if they had lost to city??? they did not get any shit in the home leg, to my knowledge! if that was city fans attacking polish at the coms then it would of been all over the papers and city hating SKY, my,my how times have changed!!! and they used to call english football fans animals
BenLee said:
Craig said:
Just wait until the 2012 Euros are in Poland and Ukraine it will be terrible.



Home-eroticism at its very best!

Do they all have tattoos? Are they all on benefits? Are they in tattoo gangs?
Why don`t ask them in person? :)
Ah and by the way: Poland isn`t a country in which you can afford living only on benefits. You have to work somehow. Sound unfamiliar, huh?

I can take a camera and have a wee walk around british cities, pick some most deprived areas, then make a proper cut, add some intimidating music and pretend that`s a truth about Britain. But what the intellectual value of such a material that would be?
Those films are pure rubbish. First is tottaly biased and the firm from the second one (Rakow Czestochowa) it`s not a player among polish football firms.

Ask your friends if the`ve seen such a pictures in Poland last week?


"if england go in the euros in 2012, definately want to visit poland again so cheap and nice"

good to read it but... you can be allocated in Ukraine ;) even cheaper probably but definietly not that nice!
Poland was cheap mate, i went out there with 890 zlotys and came back with 892 zlotys?? I know i had a spare ticket which i sold for 120 zlotys but there was no way i lived for two days on thirty quid. I must have been ordering drinks and forgot to pay for them.
" i went out there with 890 zlotys and came back with 892 zlotys"

sounds like a pretty much miracle mate! :)

Poland is cheap...but sadly not for many of my countryman. That`s why is so many of us in UK (and all over the globe). Poland is still cheap for me when I`m going with my hard earned pounds but it`s not as good as it used to be ( like 4-5 years ago) anyway... Will be even worse if Euro would be implemented (hopefully not!). I love zloty (and pound :D). Currency is a part of culture and nations identity. Euro make it blurred.
4 or 5 years ago we used to get 8 zlotys to the pound and Polish stuff used to come here cheap but not anymore. I have no idea how i came home with so many zlotys still in my pocket but i'll keep them for the euro 2012.
I'd go back for a weekend or something.

Wouldn't go watch England in this country, let alone another, but in 2012, I might be tempted to go watch a game in Poznan, regardless of who's playing. We had a top time. Didn't see any of the garbage that was in those videos.

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