ALWAYS have the kids to take our place...

TH - you're clearly doing a great job of keeping the little chap on the straight and narrow.

Next step is to teach him to follow up the verbal abuse with a quick rabbit punch to the kidneys... that'll teach the red f*ckers.

My 7 and 4 year olds are very outnumbered at school and nursery but do a sound job of standing up for themselves against the bleating sheep - I think it's character building!
Good on you and your lad Tolmie! I moved down to London 20yrs ago and my boy ( who's 14) is the only blue in his school (possibly our area even)but I'm always proud of him when I hear him standing his/our corner and usually putting rags/dippers/ hammers etc in their place - mainly cos he actually goes to watch his team and they rarely do
My Son is now 13 he has been season ticket holder since he was 5 and always been
Only 1 of 2 in his class at school who followed City, so as you can imagine he has had to take
Some grief and the number of days he has dreaded going to school because of the grief he knew he would get.
He has always gone and handled it, to which makes me proud.
I have also had to see tears of sadness in his eyes following bad results none more so than taking him to Swamp in semi,
So even though I have waited all my life for city success I will explode when I see his face when we have won some silverware.

All them days of anguish and grief will have been washed away but even if the silverware don't arrive We will forever be Blue.

my nephew is 5 and gives it out to any rags he sees walking round in a red top. his banter is class! he laughs out loud at them and says stuff like " look uncle paul he's not a real footie fan is he !" giggling away!

These kids growing up now are going to see success! they aren't going to see the crap served up to us in the eighties. Oh to be a child again! it's only a matter of time.........
Can't give a child a better start in life than being a blue, i have 4 daughters and also 1 on the way (due december) and there all city thru and thru, and the new baby will deffo be blue without a doubt.
My two too, son who is 14 now had to endured the pearce era, the games (little or no entertainment) and school on monday class full of baby rag not attenders. character building thanks pearcey.
It's when the lads hit 13 or 14 and the testosterone kicks in that you have your work cut out.

Had to restrain my lad from wanting to join the City hoolies from battering some Blackburn fans at Maine Road once.
Trigger said:
It must be hard for kids today, when i was at school City were winning trophies, so as many blues as scum.

I was talking to a mate at work a Liverpool fan who is absolutely gutted as his son wants to follow the scum because his mates do! and he lives in Aintree ;)
Your dipper mate should simply take his son to a game at anfield ( no fuck it , tell him to bring the kid over to eastlands) & once they've been to a game in person that will probably put him off the swamp forever

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