An Idea


Well-Known Member
13 Jul 2009
Make Tolmie a moderator, allow him to make his own thread which he can make a sticky and lock when he isn't giving clues. He can then unlock it when he's giving clues and lock it immedietly after to avoid spam. Everyone else can then discuss his clues in a seperate topic.

S.E.H said:
Make Tolmie a moderator, allow him to make his own thread which he can make a sticky and lock when he isn't giving clues. He can then unlock it when he's giving clues and lock it immedietly after to avoid spam. Everyone else can then discuss his clues in a seperate topic.


Problem, is I am sure Tolmie sleeps, eats and works. During that time.. the thread could go bonkers.
S.E.H said:
Make Tolmie a moderator, allow him to make his own thread which he can make a sticky and lock when he isn't giving clues. He can then unlock it when he's giving clues and lock it immedietly after to avoid spam. Everyone else can then discuss his clues in a seperate topic.

just give him your number and he can tell you alone whats happening
okstate99 said:
S.E.H said:
Make Tolmie a moderator, allow him to make his own thread which he can make a sticky and lock when he isn't giving clues. He can then unlock it when he's giving clues and lock it immedietly after to avoid spam. Everyone else can then discuss his clues in a seperate topic.


Problem, is I am sure Tolmie sleeps, eats and works. During that time.. the thread could go bonkers.

No, because it would be locked, like the 'Its Quiet' warning that shadygiz has just posted
I thought about alternatives as well, and think that there should be a locked thread, where Tolmie (via a mod) could post his clues, or whatever they might be. A thread just for reading, and no commenting. There could then be a thread where we could discuss the clues among ourselves. that way, Tolmie's posts are always easy to find, and if the thread needed to be tucked away for a while due to the inevitable bullshit, the hints would still be there for us all to read and think about.
Forzacitizens said:
wouldn't mind one for freestyler or ajay either

and here in lies the problem

"why does he have a thread and not me"?

i can hear it now

the problem on here is not the moderators, it's the few who think it's funny or risque to push the boundaries of peoples patience
Wouldn't an 'ITK Friendly' thread do the trick? It should be made clear in the OP that there'll be a ZERO TOLERANCE approach to spamming and personal insults in the said thread. Anyone stupid enough to continue the childish shite after reading the OP would then be rightfully banned from posting in the Transfer Forum for the duration.

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