An Idea

S.E.H said:
Forzacitizens said:
wouldn't mind one for freestyler or ajay either

An ITK thread maybe? How about giving the ITK's Interim Mod status that lasts until September 1st and they can control said thread. Shitty WUMs like Chaz and Bluecreed etc are not included.

Itk,some people seem to be under the impression they are not moderators?.
Actually you wouldn't need to make anyone a mod (temp or otherwise)

I ain't used phpbb (the forum software) for some time but I am sure it allows for different user levels, just create an "ITK" user level (who decides exactly who is ITK I don't know) and then create a sub forum that ITK level peeps can post in and the rest of us mortals can only read...
hgblue said:
Wouldn't an 'ITK Friendly' thread do the trick? It should be made clear in the OP that there'll be a ZERO TOLERANCE approach to spamming and personal insults in the said thread. Anyone stupid enough to continue the childish shite after reading the OP would then be rightfully banned from posting in the Transfer Forum for the duration.

This is an excellent idea. It gets around the unequal treatment problem of giving ITKs there own special locked threads while still keeping a thread from veering too far off topic. If everyone is warned in advance that the thread will be heavily moderated then no one can complain about getting a warning for crossing the line.
depps said:
hgblue said:
Wouldn't an 'ITK Friendly' thread do the trick? It should be made clear in the OP that there'll be a ZERO TOLERANCE approach to spamming and personal insults in the said thread. Anyone stupid enough to continue the childish shite after reading the OP would then be rightfully banned from posting in the Transfer Forum for the duration.

This is an excellent idea. It gets around the unequal treatment problem of giving ITKs there own special locked threads while still keeping a thread from veering too far off topic. If everyone is warned in advance that the thread will be heavily moderated then no one can complain about getting a warning for crossing the line.

Yeah but last time the "it's quiet thread" was pulled peeps were warned about going to far off topic and slagging people off, we were even told that warnings and bans would be given out... A few days later and we had 5 pages of bird jokes (if you can call them jokes) and some ranting and tanting.
It's just the way that people are - you won't change them and it will always happen.

Forums have been around almost since the start of the net, admins and mods find ways of dealing with these things - that could mean locked threads, special access sub-forums or whatever but it shouldn't mean shite loads of work for a few mods cleaning up everyones mess!
S.E.H said:
Make Tolmie a moderator, allow him to make his own thread which he can make a sticky and lock when he isn't giving clues. He can then unlock it when he's giving clues and lock it immedietly after to avoid spam. Everyone else can then discuss his clues in a seperate topic.


thought the same myself.
TWD-Tony said:
depps said:
This is an excellent idea. It gets around the unequal treatment problem of giving ITKs there own special locked threads while still keeping a thread from veering too far off topic. If everyone is warned in advance that the thread will be heavily moderated then no one can complain about getting a warning for crossing the line.

Yeah but last time the "it's quiet thread" was pulled peeps were warned about going to far off topic and slagging people off, we were even told that warnings and bans would be given out... A few days later and we had 5 pages of bird jokes (if you can call them jokes) and some ranting and tanting.
It's just the way that people are - you won't change them and it will always happen.

Forums have been around almost since the start of the net, admins and mods find ways of dealing with these things - that could mean locked threads, special access sub-forums or whatever but it shouldn't mean shite loads of work for a few mods cleaning up everyones mess!

nice one mate.....i can speak for all the mods when i say we are not in it for the gratitude, we all knew when we accepted the roles that it was a thankless task.

All we are asking for is to work with us NOT against us. This is your forum, don't ruin it....please
shadygiz said:
TWD-Tony said:
Yeah but last time the "it's quiet thread" was pulled peeps were warned about going to far off topic and slagging people off, we were even told that warnings and bans would be given out... A few days later and we had 5 pages of bird jokes (if you can call them jokes) and some ranting and tanting.
It's just the way that people are - you won't change them and it will always happen.

Forums have been around almost since the start of the net, admins and mods find ways of dealing with these things - that could mean locked threads, special access sub-forums or whatever but it shouldn't mean shite loads of work for a few mods cleaning up everyones mess!

nice one mate.....i can speak for all the mods when i say we are not in it for the gratitude, we all knew when we accepted the roles that it was a thankless task.

All we are asking for is to work with us NOT against us. This is your forum, don't ruin it....please

Shady mate, I wouldn't moderate this forum for all the tea in china...;- )
SouthStand211 said:
Just bring back the bloody thread will yer! If someone posts something that f*cks it up. Ban em. Simple. Thread carries on.

Yeah but who's to say that someone has "fucked it up". Wouldn't you say this is a bit like a marmite thread - you either like it or you don't ?

Which is worse Southstander211, wummery or childishness ?
shadygiz said:
Forzacitizens said:
wouldn't mind one for freestyler or ajay either

and here in lies the problem

"why does he have a thread and not me"?

i can hear it now

the problem on here is not the moderators, it's the few who think it's funny or risque to push the boundaries of peoples patience
Wrong shady.. the problem is you havent put the spuds v City sream link up yet!

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