And so it begins......Pakistan

Do you think they give a fuck about our innocents when their suicide bombing ansd all sorts. We shouldnt even be in that shit hole trying to sort out their mess. Infact we should get out of their. If they want to play bombing games let it happen.
OL1skyblue said:
Do you think they give a fuck about our innocents when their suicide bombing ansd all sorts. We shouldnt even be in that shit hole trying to sort out their mess. Infact we should get out of their. If they want to play bombing games let it happen.
it's the one's here where the fuckin problem's lie.
Frank the Yank said:
No Obama will sort things out. He takes control in about a month and he will ask these folks nicely to please stop-and they will......then he will walk across (oops I mean drive across) the Potomac and tell those nasties at the Pentagon the same thing. Think of all the money we will save to giev to chavs here in the States. Yep Obama will sort it out......

Obama will go down the diplomacy route first which can be more than you could say about Gump. But why wait eh?, to paraphrase a former republican state secretary "give up your terrorists or we'll bomb you into the stone age". So you bomb the crap out of them to give the new president a major headache and smug satisfaction of the more hawkish of the republican party who once again have ruined any good will the New administration may have re-gained from the rest of the world.
OL1skyblue said:
Do you think they give a fuck about our innocents when their suicide bombing ansd all sorts. We shouldnt even be in that shit hole trying to sort out their mess. Infact we should get out of their. If they want to play bombing games let it happen.
it's the one's here where the fuckin problem's lie.

People seem to forgot the underground attacks were commuted by British born people, yet automatically assume it's down to where their relatives came from.
mat said:
PMs press conference blaming 3/4 of terror plots on britain being planned in Pakistan. President Gump is in Iraq and will no doubt parrot the same. A very dangerous thing to say IMO how many Neanderthals will be watching sky news and take this as a green light to do some twatting?

Yeah we wouldn't want to upset the brainwashed extremists further would we?
PistonBlue said:
mat said:
PMs press conference blaming 3/4 of terror plots on britain being planned in Pakistan. President Gump is in Iraq and will no doubt parrot the same. A very dangerous thing to say IMO how many Neanderthals will be watching sky news and take this as a green light to do some twatting?

Yeah we wouldn't want to upset the brainwashed extremists further would we?

Thery're extremists in every walk of life by saying things like that in public winds them up more and plays into the hands of right wing extremists here just before the local/European elections. He's opening up trouble in his own back yard.
mat said:
PMs press conference blaming 3/4 of terror plots on britain being planned in Pakistan. President Gump is in Iraq and will no doubt parrot the same. A very dangerous thing to say IMO how many Neanderthals will be watching sky news and take this as a green light to do some twatting?

Hmm so if we invade pakistan dosnt that work out that we surround Iran on 3 fronts, maybe Iran is the real objective for the endgame.
Challenger1978 said:
mat said:
PMs press conference blaming 3/4 of terror plots on britain being planned in Pakistan. President Gump is in Iraq and will no doubt parrot the same. A very dangerous thing to say IMO how many Neanderthals will be watching sky news and take this as a green light to do some twatting?

Hmm so if we invade pakistan dosnt that work out that we surround Iran on 3 fronts, maybe Iran is the real objective for the endgame.

You maybe onto something.....

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