And yet another one has a go

Manchester United gave us a golden generation of English players – Scholes, Beckham, Butt, the Nevilles – by putting faith in youth when they could have just splashed the cash.

Because they never, ever, ever spent cash players before that did they?
The reason I wan’t them to fail though is that their clout is not as a result of sustained success, wise investment or even good business decisions to make them an attractive proposition for investors.

Erm, so fucking what??? Does the author think that businesses looking for external investment go around saying "no, don't invest in us we don't deserve it!". What an idiot.

Also how exactly does running up £700m in debts constitute "a good business decision"?
To quote the Bear Facts of the matter:

Rag: "When is the last time we spent £30m on a player?"
Blue: "Berbatoss"
Rag: "Apart from that"
Blue: "Rio"
Rag: "Apart from that."
Blue: "Rooney"
Rag: "That's not the point"
I've spent a day reading the bile that's been spewing out left, right and centre.. getting more and more annoyed.. just not going to bother anymore - let it all wash over. It's only going to get worse Blues. Fuck. them. all.
What makes me laugh more than anything is that all these clubs and people from them spout bile but they are only doing it to be relevant, the plain and simple fact is that without us, these clubs and people are singularly uninteresting to everyone but their own fans ( as it should be i might add ) but because they all need to be heard and need to be part of the limelight its have a go at city.

I mean look at it a whole blog devoted to us and then a paragraph at the end about his own team who achieved a very good result against a good stoke team at the weekend, but the sad fact is no one cares about that apart from the wolves and stoke fans.
who give a shit what they think, the only thing that bothers me, is poor performaces on the pitch so if buying the best YOUNG talent in the world stops that happening then so be it!!
why does a wolves fan think any city fan is interested in whether he begrudges us winning? i'm sure that during our 1st good win of the season thinking "this is great, but it'd be better if that wolves fan gave us his blessing."
just fuck off and come and give us your opinion when your club has turned down the same sort of investment.

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