Anne Williams - please read and sign

Signed. saying 104,447 if i'm reading it right.
Didn't see this on a new thread

Bid for new Hillsborough inquests made by attorney general
An application to quash the original Hillsborough inquest verdicts has been made by Attorney General Dominic Grieve. Families of the victims have campaigned for years to have the original 1991 accidental death verdicts overturned. Mr Grieve, the government's most senior law officer, made the application to the High Court, paving the way for new hearings. He said the main basis for the move was new medical evidence. He explained that the alteration of evidence by the police and other emergency services was also a supporting factor, along with stadium safety.

"I believe that the case for the High Court to quash the original inquests is a good one," Mr Grieve said.

"My application has now been lodged with the court. It is my intention to appear to argue the case at the hearing that will take place in the High Court."

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... e-20669448</a>
this is what anne herself said earlier " I have received the fiat from the Attorney general giving me permission to go to the divisional courts to seek a new inquest into the death of kevin Daniel Williams, i can not believe seeing it in black and white, i have waited 23 yrs for this, just waiting for Attorney General to go public. JUSTICE For All."

looks like the wheels of justice are finally turning just hope she lives to see the day.
news today - The discredited Hillsborough inquests could be quashed in just an hour when the High Court sits on Wednesday 19th December.

The Lord Chief Justice, Lord Judge, and two other justices sitting at London’s Royal Courts of Justice will consider the application to overturn the ‘accidental death’ verdicts made in the wake of the 1989 disaster.

The hearing has been listed for just one hour – and it is expected that a decision will be made within that time.

The application made by the Attorney General, Dominic Grieve, will not be opposed and so there is unlikely to be any adjournment.

A spokesman for the Judicial Office confirmed: “The Attorney General's application to quash the Hillsborough Inquest verdicts has been listed for a substantive hearing before the Divisional Court on Wednesday 19 December, subject to any applications by interested parties to adjourn.
shackattack said:
news today - The discredited Hillsborough inquests could be quashed in just an hour when the High Court sits on Wednesday 19th December.

The Lord Chief Justice, Lord Judge, and two other justices sitting at London’s Royal Courts of Justice will consider the application to overturn the ‘accidental death’ verdicts made in the wake of the 1989 disaster.

The hearing has been listed for just one hour – and it is expected that a decision will be made within that time.

The application made by the Attorney General, Dominic Grieve, will not be opposed and so there is unlikely to be any adjournment.

A spokesman for the Judicial Office confirmed: “The Attorney General's application to quash the Hillsborough Inquest verdicts has been listed for a substantive hearing before the Divisional Court on Wednesday 19 December, subject to any applications by interested parties to adjourn.

May common sense prevail,even after taking this long,shack.Great to see something positive for the families and especially Anne,under the circumstances.
yeah it seems like the original inquest verdicts will be overturned and for anne herself it must be great news. still think there will be lots of twists and turns overall as the police and government collude once more. she never stopped fighting and has helped so many others and will bring closure for everyone hopefully.
Thank you. Was there today and it was monumental when the verdict came out.

I won't ever forget the support shown by yourselves.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... e-20772416</a>

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