Another boring Hughes thread/queston


Well-Known Member
30 Apr 2008
Posted this on another thread but it got no response. Obviously it must have just been swamped by other threads. It can't be because it is boring and repetitive nonsense - surely not?

Anyway, it is a question that I am genuinely interested in so even if it was not answered because it is boring dross, I am posting it here again and hope for some illuminating answers.


I think a more relevant question would be are the 'Hughes will get it right' mob justified in their constant claims that he will 'eventually serve up a good team'.

Now, before I go on, I actually believe that he will eventually produce a good team. But this isn't due to having faith in his superior managerial skills. It's because I believe its actually very, very difficult not to produce a good team with the amount of money, backing and carte blanche that he has been given.

In fact, given the financial advantage that City have and the willingness that the owners have shown to pass this on to the manager i would go as far as to say that there are not many managers in the league who would fail to produce a decent team and decent football given a year or two.

But, the question that I would like to ask them is whether they actually have faith in Hughes coming good or whether their often stated claim that he will come good is actually just another way of expressing my faith in the money working.

And if their very vocal claim that Hughes is the man are actually based on Hughes the manager and not the money then what is it that he has demonstrated since he has been here that convinces them?

On the pitch!

I constantly hear the laughable 'he talks well' (well, he doesn't really, he can string a sentence together but he's no Shakespeare, doesn't really have much charisma and is prone to speaking absolute guff when his paranoia kicks in and he is subject to ciriticism) and 'he's very professional'.

Well, to be honest, if he is very professional but his professional methods don't translate into being a decent manager on the pitch then I couldn't care less if he is the next 'UK Businessman of the Year'.

Apart from his professionalism being excessively, stupidly, self promoted by himself last season in order to deflate attention from his poor results and deflect it onto people here previously and who he was letting go, I don't see professionalism tht produces an underperforming team being worth very much in the list of desirable managerial qualities.

So, I'm asking about what he has shown them on the pitch - where a football manager earns his reputation and show his ability - that justifies their constant bulling up of him.

Cos from where I sit he has produced 15 months of constantly under par performances, producing teams tht have constantly been less than the sum of their parts and somehow managing to take players who are suited to 'playing football' and, over those 15 months, produced teams that constantly play long play dross (interupted sometimes by the odd decent footballing performances).

So, for all those who believe in Hughes - is it him that you believe in? Or is it the inevitibility of eventually success with the money and the players that that brings?

Cos I just don't see what he has shown on the pitch - where it matters - that justifies anything approaching praise. The ratio of disapointing performances to impressive performances over the past 15 months is woeful and at present that ratio shows no signs of improving.
So, in summary, is it Hughes' managerial skills, exhibited at City, that you believe in - or the very talented players and the money?

Which causes you to believe that a Mark Hughes team will become a decent team, worth more than the sum of its parts?
The real question is do our owners see Hughes as 'the man', or is he doing the spade work for a top manager to come in and finish the job off. I bet even they don't know the answer to that question at the moment. They will by the end of the season though.
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Cos I just don't see what he has shown on the pitch - where it matters - that justifies anything approaching praise. The ratio of disapointing performances to impressive performances over the past 15 months is woeful and at present that ratio shows no signs of improving.

This sums up my feelings perfectly.
DontLookBackInAnger said:
right now we have pretty much the 3rd best team on paper in the league so if Hughes can get just under what you would expect and we finish between 4-6 thats a success.

Yes, but what are you believing in when you hope that we will get there.

The players' ability and the financial power of City?

Or Hughes' managerial ability?

And if it is the later, what has he done on the pitch in the last 15 months which leads you to think that?
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
DontLookBackInAnger said:
right now we have pretty much the 3rd best team on paper in the league so if Hughes can get just under what you would expect and we finish between 4-6 thats a success.

Yes, but what are you believing in when you hope that we will get their.

The players' ability and the financial power of City?

Or Hughes' managerial ability?

And if it is the later, what has he done on the pitch in the last 15 months which leads you to think that?
Yes, but what are you believing in when you hope that we will get their.
Get their what?
For me the only thing giving me hope is the that the players can win us games with individual performances as we're failing as a team!
Neil McNab said:
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Yes, but what are you believing in when you hope that we will get their.

The players' ability and the financial power of City?

Or Hughes' managerial ability?

And if it is the later, what has he done on the pitch in the last 15 months which leads you to think that?
Yes, but what are you believing in when you hope that we will get their.
Get their what?
For me the only thing giving me hope is the that the players can win us games with individual performances as we're failing as a team!

FFS - schoolboy error - THERE
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
DontLookBackInAnger said:
right now we have pretty much the 3rd best team on paper in the league so if Hughes can get just under what you would expect and we finish between 4-6 thats a success.

Yes, but what are you believing in when you hope that we will get their.

The players' ability and the financial power of City?

Or Hughes' managerial ability?

And if it is the later, what has he done on the pitch in the last 15 months which leads you to think that?
I would use the analogy of a F-1 racing, does the best driver win the crown? Not really, it's the one that takes the most expensive car and doesn't really fuck it up too much. In my view thats the success we are likely to have(and please don't think I'm selling Hughes short if(and its a big, if)he pulls it off then I would regard it as a success).

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