Another boring Hughes thread/queston

JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Posted this on another thread but it got no response. Obviously it must have just been swamped by other threads. It can't be because it is boring and repetitive nonsense - surely not?

Anyway, it is a question that I am genuinely interested in so even if it was not answered because it is boring dross, I am posting it here again and hope for some illuminating answers.


I think a more relevant question would be are the 'Hughes will get it right' mob justified in their constant claims that he will 'eventually serve up a good team'.

Now, before I go on, I actually believe that he will eventually produce a good team. But this isn't due to having faith in his superior managerial skills. It's because I believe its actually very, very difficult not to produce a good team with the amount of money, backing and carte blanche that he has been given.

In fact, given the financial advantage that City have and the willingness that the owners have shown to pass this on to the manager i would go as far as to say that there are not many managers in the league who would fail to produce a decent team and decent football given a year or two.

But, the question that I would like to ask them is whether they actually have faith in Hughes coming good or whether their often stated claim that he will come good is actually just another way of expressing my faith in the money working.

And if their very vocal claim that Hughes is the man are actually based on Hughes the manager and not the money then what is it that he has demonstrated since he has been here that convinces them?

On the pitch!

I constantly hear the laughable 'he talks well' (well, he doesn't really, he can string a sentence together but he's no Shakespeare, doesn't really have much charisma and is prone to speaking absolute guff when his paranoia kicks in and he is subject to ciriticism) and 'he's very professional'.

Well, to be honest, if he is very professional but his professional methods don't translate into being a decent manager on the pitch then I couldn't care less if he is the next 'UK Businessman of the Year'.

Apart from his professionalism being excessively, stupidly, self promoted by himself last season in order to deflate attention from his poor results and deflect it onto people here previously and who he was letting go, I don't see professionalism tht produces an underperforming team being worth very much in the list of desirable managerial qualities.

So, I'm asking about what he has shown them on the pitch - where a football manager earns his reputation and show his ability - that justifies their constant bulling up of him.

Cos from where I sit he has produced 15 months of constantly under par performances, producing teams tht have constantly been less than the sum of their parts and somehow managing to take players who are suited to 'playing football' and, over those 15 months, produced teams that constantly play long play dross (interupted sometimes by the odd decent footballing performances).

So, for all those who believe in Hughes - is it him that you believe in? Or is it the inevitibility of eventually success with the money and the players that that brings?

Cos I just don't see what he has shown on the pitch - where it matters - that justifies anything approaching praise. The ratio of disapointing performances to impressive performances over the past 15 months is woeful and at present that ratio shows no signs of improving.

I really don't know what Manchester City you have been watching but it doesn't equate to the same team I have been watching particularly in the last 11 games.

Have you forgotten the awesome performance against Arsenal or the way we dominated the first half of the derby game and then everytime United struck we just responded.

We've suffered suspensions, injuries, poor refereeing decisions and are still within touching distance of the top four and had it not been for the fact we are handicapped by having played a game less could atually be in the top four.

The two draws at home were games we threw away, they certainly weren't the result of great play by the opposition.

But do you know what - that's the beauty of football its's all about opinions. I don't mind the fact you differ what really p*sses me off is the overtly - almost vicious - negative views portrayed on here about where we are and against our own players !

I've just spent 15 minutes watching the videos of Abu Dhabi and I've sat there and can literaly feel my heart bursting out of my chest with pride at what I am witnessing. With all that is good that is going on at our club I just cannot understand why some fans are constantly obsessing about Hughes. There are so many things to be excited about that I just cannot understand the negativity.

Irrespective of your view of performances no one can argue that we have progressed from last season and I firmly believe that with a settled side and players getting to know each other, teanm spirit developing that we can only get better. With that in mind tis has been a great start to the season and but for throwing away two results we should have seen out it would have been fantastic.

Now FFS stop bleating and enjoy the ride !
If any other current premiership manager transferred now to say...... for example....Wigan. In fact, lets put a name in. How about Phil Brown.

Phil Brown goes to Wigan and is given £130 million to spend!

Fast forward one year. One third of the way in to his first full season.

Nobody would be amazed ,or particularly impressed, to see Wigan grinding out draws and winning a few games. A 6th place finish wouldn't raise much of an eyebrow because everyone would put it down to the money and Phil being a decent manager. A £130 million budget actually takes a fair degree of incompetence to overcome.

Hughes is not incompetent. He's a decent manager. So is Phil Brown. So are the managers of nearly every other Premiership club. It takes something else to get to the top and stay there though. Whatever that 'someting else' is, there is no evidence at all that Mark Hughes has it. At best, he's a maybe man. So, to partially echo JMA, where does the unbridled confidence in him come from?
mammutly said:
If any other current premiership manager transferred now to say...... for example....Wigan. In fact, lets put a name in. How about Phil Brown.

Phil Brown goes to Wigan and is given £130 million to spend!

Fast forward one year. One third of the way in to his first full season.

Nobody would be amazed ,or particularly impressed, to see Wigan grinding out draws and winning a few games. A 6th place finish wouldn't raise much of an eyebrow because everyone would put it down to the money and Phil being a decent manager. A £130 million budget actually takes a fair degree of incompetence to overcome.

Hughes is not incompetent. He's a decent manager. So is Phil Brown. So are the managers of nearly every other Premiership club. It takes something else to get to the top and stay there though. Whatever that 'someting else' is, there is no evidence at all that Mark Hughes has it. At best, he's a maybe man. So, to partially echo JMA, where does the unbridled confidence in him come from?

Because other people - like me - happen to think he did a great job with Wales (realistically he was never going to win anything) and a great job with Blackburn.

He needed a club like City (with the money) to give him the platform to be successful.

On your hypothesis Pep Guardiola should never have been given the Barcelona job.

Players like Adebayor and Toure have played under the best - imo - in Arsene Wenger and Toure in particular has spoken in glowing terms about Hughes. That is good enough for me than some faceless no mark who's never worked in close quarters with Mark Hughes claiming that they know whether Hughes has the right credentials.

I also happen to trust our owners.
For all the Hughes supporters,you say give him time he'll get it right.

Please tell me,what do you base that view on???...tactical decisions?not a chance.Motivational skills? of play?Again a big no no.

Answers please
If Mark Hughes had not played for United and had played for City none of the questions on here would be been asked.
The fans would be behind him more and would chant his name.
I think it would be a good idea if with each member on here it showed how long they had supported City and then we would see if it is the newish City fans that are constantly slagging him off.
It is pathetic that these Hughes threads are cropping up all the time!!!
cavalier69 said:
If Mark Hughes had not played for United and had played for City none of the questions on here would be been asked.
The fans would be behind him more and would chant his name.
I think it would be a good idea if with each member on here it showed how long they had supported City and then we would see if it is the newish City fans that are constantly slagging him off.
It is pathetic that these Hughes threads are cropping up all the time!!!

20 Years
Blue Mooner said:
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Posted this on another thread but it got no response. Obviously it must have just been swamped by other threads. It can't be because it is boring and repetitive nonsense - surely not?

Anyway, it is a question that I am genuinely interested in so even if it was not answered because it is boring dross, I am posting it here again and hope for some illuminating answers.


I think a more relevant question would be are the 'Hughes will get it right' mob justified in their constant claims that he will 'eventually serve up a good team'.

Now, before I go on, I actually believe that he will eventually produce a good team. But this isn't due to having faith in his superior managerial skills. It's because I believe its actually very, very difficult not to produce a good team with the amount of money, backing and carte blanche that he has been given.

In fact, given the financial advantage that City have and the willingness that the owners have shown to pass this on to the manager i would go as far as to say that there are not many managers in the league who would fail to produce a decent team and decent football given a year or two.

But, the question that I would like to ask them is whether they actually have faith in Hughes coming good or whether their often stated claim that he will come good is actually just another way of expressing my faith in the money working.

And if their very vocal claim that Hughes is the man are actually based on Hughes the manager and not the money then what is it that he has demonstrated since he has been here that convinces them?

On the pitch!

I constantly hear the laughable 'he talks well' (well, he doesn't really, he can string a sentence together but he's no Shakespeare, doesn't really have much charisma and is prone to speaking absolute guff when his paranoia kicks in and he is subject to ciriticism) and 'he's very professional'.

Well, to be honest, if he is very professional but his professional methods don't translate into being a decent manager on the pitch then I couldn't care less if he is the next 'UK Businessman of the Year'.

Apart from his professionalism being excessively, stupidly, self promoted by himself last season in order to deflate attention from his poor results and deflect it onto people here previously and who he was letting go, I don't see professionalism tht produces an underperforming team being worth very much in the list of desirable managerial qualities.

So, I'm asking about what he has shown them on the pitch - where a football manager earns his reputation and show his ability - that justifies their constant bulling up of him.

Cos from where I sit he has produced 15 months of constantly under par performances, producing teams tht have constantly been less than the sum of their parts and somehow managing to take players who are suited to 'playing football' and, over those 15 months, produced teams that constantly play long play dross (interupted sometimes by the odd decent footballing performances).

So, for all those who believe in Hughes - is it him that you believe in? Or is it the inevitibility of eventually success with the money and the players that that brings?

Cos I just don't see what he has shown on the pitch - where it matters - that justifies anything approaching praise. The ratio of disapointing performances to impressive performances over the past 15 months is woeful and at present that ratio shows no signs of improving.

I really don't know what Manchester City you have been watching but it doesn't equate to the same team I have been watching particularly in the last 11 games.

Have you forgotten the awesome performance against Arsenal or the way we dominated the first half of the derby game and then everytime United struck we just responded.

We've suffered suspensions, injuries, poor refereeing decisions and are still within touching distance of the top four and had it not been for the fact we are handicapped by having played a game less could atually be in the top four.

The two draws at home were games we threw away, they certainly weren't the result of great play by the opposition.

Are you aware of the meaning of the word 'ratio?'

It wasn't used by chance.

And you, and one or two others on the thread have not answered the question.

There's still 'everything in the garden is rosy', 'everything will turn out ok' (Which I agree with, for the reasons stated in the first post) and 'You don't like him becasue he is a rag' comments flooding in, but they are a bit tedious when the initial post poses a specific, separate question.

Is it really that difficult to attempt to answer it (in fairness, there are a couple of attempts)?
Hughes has achieved NOTHING as a manager.Even son of baconface got 2 promotions and got flirted.I put Hughes in the same catagory as alladyce,royle,reid,bassett,mccarthy,southgate,pearce and megson.LIMITED.If anybody thinks that we would have drawn our last 5 games under Hiddink,Mourinho or Van Gall,you must be deluded.All i'm saying is it is inevitable he will be sacked.Why wait until we've finished 8th and hear him tell us we're going in the right direction.
cavalier69 said:
If Mark Hughes had not played for United and had played for City none of the questions on here would be been asked.
The fans would be behind him more and would chant his name.
I think it would be a good idea if with each member on here it showed how long they had supported City and then we would see if it is the newish City fans that are constantly slagging him off.
It is pathetic that these Hughes threads are cropping up all the time!!!

Yet another poster so obsessed by rags that they can't think of a reason why people might want answers to the questions JMA has posed other than the fact he used to play for them.

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