Nice one Ric, although have to take you to task on utd "going from strength to strength"... "since the halcyon days" of the late 60's... They had their own stumbles in the 70's I seem to recall, and fortuitously managed to coincide their resurgence in the 90's with the arrival of the Sky millions which cemented their place at the top table... Of course we more than stumbled from the late 70's onwards until the 81 cup final, which seemed to make us lame for the next 20 odd years... if we'd have been a racehorse then the glue factory would've no doubt beckoned in the 90's...
Sorry to be picky like, but utd's "luck" in being at the top as the PL emerged still rankles with me daily! People, and especially rags, have very short memories and a Pol Pot-esque way of thinking that history started in 1991!
But hey, it seems that finally the times, they are a changin'!