Anyone clued up on ebay?...

I've seen a few people claim scammers use ebay like this. Buy high value stuff and send back fakes or broken items etc. EBay default to siding with the buyer so its easily done.

Yeah it seems so. Although I'm a buyer in my case but have a genuine reason for return.

But I did once sell a guitar, the buyer had the guitar for about 13 days then suddenly popped up requesting a refund saying it was damaged and a lot of the paintwork and come off and was cracked etc..

It's clear he had done the damage because I know the condition it was sent in and how well packaged it was. I've sent guitars all over the world without issues and the problem with this one wasn't something that would be done inside a box.

The lad clearly damaged it within the 2 weeks of having it, or got buyers remorse and damaged it to take advantage of ebay's refund policy.

There seems be no common sense involved, no questioning by ebay about why it took 2 weeks to complain etc.

To be honest, I'm not even sure anybody looks at the case. I took my issue in the original post to a case and it was resolved in my favour within 10 minutes. It's probably just automated.
Yes, all the power is with the buyer on eBay annoyingly. I sell a few items and it's ludicrous who they sometimes side with.

Somebody 'bought' something off me a while back but didn't pay and wanted to collect and pay on collection. Told them I didn't do collection but I'd try and sort something. Didn't get a reply off the buyer and didn't hear anything off them for a week until a case was brought against me!!! Ultimately the case was dropped as they hadn't paid but they were still allowed to leave feedback on an item they didn't even purchase!!!! Obviously if they've brought up a case against me it isn't going to be positive and should have made them exempt. Absolutely ridiculous. Objected to the feedback but apparently it didn't contravene eBay's rules so they couldn't remove it.

I also had somebody claim a brand new work tool charger wasn't a 'fast charger' even though it clearly was and stated such on the box. It wasn't even something I was making money on and I just had a few of them spare knocking about and thought somebody else could get some use out of. Ebay ruled in their favour and I ended up out of pocket and they also left negative feedback on my profile to top it off. It's only when the buyer actually started calling me this and that offensively in private messages and I kept appealing eBay's decision and stated how dissatisfied with their 'help' was their feedback ultimately removed. Told eBay if it was myself using such language towards a buyer I'd be banned instantly and it's complete favouritism towards the buyer was scandalous.
That's always my bugbear with ebay - they claim not to have recieved the item, get a refund and then leave negative feedback on something they claim not to have recieved. I send my items free postage but ebay find against me as they say I should send items tracked even though the customer hasn't paid for that service.
That's always my bugbear with ebay - they claim not to have recieved the item, get a refund and then leave negative feedback on something they claim not to have recieved. I send my items free postage but ebay find against me as they say I should send items tracked even though the customer hasn't paid for that service.

I think even sending standard Royal Mail now (paying for postage via the eBay portal at least) the item usually says if it's been delivered. Presumably to stop this occurring as frequently. Seems to have coincided with when stamps have become barcoded. Very rare I use any other service than Royal Mail just for peace of mind.
I used to sell a lot on there and this happened to me many times. Usually electrical items.

There's some real arses out there. I tend to take pictures of serial numbers and of the item working (if I remember and am able to do so) to try and protect myself a bit. Even take pictures of the packaging too so they can't claim it was inadequately protected. Time consuming and not something people should have to resort to.
That's always my bugbear with ebay - they claim not to have recieved the item, get a refund and then leave negative feedback on something they claim not to have recieved. I send my items free postage but ebay find against me as they say I should send items tracked even though the customer hasn't paid for that service.

What's the difference to include the tracking within price and cover your arse against scammers?

I don't use eBay but did some private sales as part of my hobby, if people don't give payment by PayPal it's cash.

If people insist on bank transfer instead, they got cut off there and then, even the small risk of someone using it for fraudulent purposes is not enough for people to give my bank account number to people I don't know.
What's the difference to include the tracking within price and cover your arse against scammers?

I don't use eBay but did some private sales as part of my hobby, if people don't give payment by PayPal it's cash.

If people insist on bank transfer instead, they got cut off there and then, even the small risk of someone using it for fraudulent purposes is not enough for people to give my bank account number to people I don't know.
For some items I list at £3 just to get rid, so postage and fees are about that so technically to send tracked I would lose money. Most people are genuine so unless the price goes over a certain amount I take the risk - only a small per cent maybe one ever few months say they haven't recieved.
I sold a lawn mower accesory that I'd found in the garage. Not being too sure how Ebays postage policy worked I went along with it. They added an extra £3.99 to cover the postage on the purchase price for the Post Office, great I thought. Boxed it up and went down to the post Office, £6.99 as it wieghed more than the allowed postage charge. How can they charge a fee when they dont know how much the fee will be ???? This cost negated the original amount so I paid it. Then I was told that because of the size it would have to go by Parcel Force....what !!!!!! £16.99 and that was a separate charge because it was a completely new transaction. £24.00 that item cost me to send, I only flogged it for £20.

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