Anyone wanna buy a 2nd rate striker with dodgey knee

LoveCity said:
Poor Roque, he was talking the other day about being a part of our push for the top four next season, while our suits are trying to auction him off. Bet we end up loaning him and losing him on a free eventually.

Almost certainly. Leslie was a real twunt don'tya think?
think the title is a touch hard on him to be fair.

"Anyone wanna buy a half decent striker with 2 completely fucked knees" would been more accurate.
I'm still hoping he has a couple of decent games in the World Cup so we can claw back some of the money we paid out for him - lucky if we get even a third of that back

Worst business the club has ever done. Even worse than that kid Keegan signed for £5m but never played!

Shame as I'm sure when RSC is fit he's a half decent player - showed glimpses of it against Sunderland last season.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Blue Elmo said:
Next year we have alot of fixtures to play with europe . No doubt roque will not be first choice so it will allow us to play him in the early rounds of the competition cos Santa Cruz is not a bad striker and with him upfront we are more than capable of turnin over some unpronouncable shit team . On his day when he plays he can be very good . stayin injury free he could be a very good squad player nipping in with several goals , important ones at that aswell
We've still got Big Phil Caicedo for that.

I honestly think Jo could do better job given the chance. Having offloaded Benjani the Crockmeister will soon be on his way after what has to go down as the worst buy in the clubs history.
Mike D said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
We've still got Big Phil Caicedo for that.

I honestly think Jo could do better job given the chance. Having offloaded Benjani the Crockmeister will soon be on his way after what has to go down as the worst buy in the clubs history.

Mike D said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
We've still got Big Phil Caicedo for that.

I honestly think Jo could do better job given the chance. Having offloaded Benjani the Crockmeister will soon be on his way after what has to go down as the worst buy in the clubs history.

Gerry Creaney anyone?.... Paul Sugrue! ..... Barry Silkman! .... and who was that 'piss poor' left winger that John Bond loaned from the rags? (Circa, late, 79)
Mike D said:
It appears that Mr Cooke and the Brian 'the stamp licker' Marwood are being kept busy trying to offload old Crocky

Tbh Roque is a tremendous player when fit. But I doubt he will ever be fit again over a longer period. I watched him in the pre World Cup match against Greece and he looked amazing, really up to speed. I started to raise hope that he would be fit in the World Cup and increase his resale value. But then, of course, something happened. Some kind of injury and he looked slow again in the match against Italy.

I guess City has to realise a loss, the question is how big?
He's actually a very good player when he's fit. Which is about 1 in every 10 games. I'd rather have a Roque-Tevez partnership up front then an Adebayor-Tevez one.

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