Jeremy and his privately educated cronies will no doubt offer their 'full support'...
Why has she been antisemitic too?
Jeremy and his privately educated cronies will no doubt offer their 'full support'...
Corbyn is still clinging to the fantasy there's going to be a general election.I still don't understand why Labour voted against the Brady amendment last night.
Labour have ruled out no deal so if they are against reopening the WA and the removal of the backstop, what is their alternative?!?
Corbyn and Labour have been made totally irrelevant. Him saying he was now willing to talk with May is just laughable.
Corbyn is still clinging to the fantasy there's going to be a general election.
Which he'd lose anyway. No idea why he has such a hard on for the idea.
so why doesn't she go for one if she is such a nailed on winner? Get rid of him once and for all? ...............oh yes I remember now - its not been a great tactic in the past
Corbyn would lose. Just like he did last time.
The chances of any of the parties winning a clear majority is extremely low.
That is why she isn't going for it.
Corbyn wants an election so he can be propped up and controlled by the SNP.
No thank you to that one if you don't mind.
Corbyn would not win an election if it was called next week, next month or next year.
The majority of the electorate simply do not trust him or his communist apparatchik's.
so why not call another snap election - win - rid yourself of Corbyn, Labour and the SNP?
Please read my previous post.
Please read my previous post.
I did - you gave all your ideas as to what would happen but didn't really answer why it is such a bad idea for such a nailed on winner. Truth is it because you know she is nothing of the sort and the mess that would come from it would see no outright winners and some coalitions being formed to oust May and the SDP coalition and the nailed on winner would in fact be a loser.