Armani on OS


Well-Known Member
7 Dec 2008
my ivory tower
Sorry if this has been posted before, but I just saw the new video of Armani from Sierra Leone on the OS.....I loved the first series of videos a few months back and seeing him over here with all the players and giving them the hand made plaques was very touching. It's things like this that make me really proud to be a blue.

On a side note the lads who arranged the whole thing (sorry can't remember their names) were in the background during the video and one of them had the funniest T-shirts I have ever seen....It was basically a blue shirt with a mug shot of gargoyle gary on it with 'BOOT LICKER' right above his plug ugly boat race....where can I buy one?
My god i love this club it brought a tear to my eye just seeing how happy the guy is.
Absolutely amazing. What a hero. Those plaques to the players were just fantastic and I hope they were fully appreciated by all of them as I'm sure they were. I think what's incredible is that he's come over here to get the tour, watch the match and everything and, taking into account where he's from and his background, for him to bring that many gifts for the players and executive staff is just brilliant of him. Got to be one of the nicest guys I've ever seen and it's great we have this link. Long may it continue and I can't wait to watch part 2!
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Sorry if this has been posted before, but I just saw the new video of Armani from Sierra Leone on the OS.....I loved the first series of videos a few months back and seeing him over here with all the players and giving them the hand made plaques was very touching. It's things like this that make me really proud to be a blue.

On a side note the lads who arranged the whole thing (sorry can't remember their names) were in the background during the video and one of them had the funniest T-shirts I have ever seen....It was basically a blue shirt with a mug shot of gargoyle gary on it with 'BOOT LICKER' right above his plug ugly boat race....where can I buy one?

The guy wearing the Bootlicker tee shirt is Howard Burr
Great video, of a great man.

Was a pleasure and a privilege to meet Armani.

Full credit to the club for the VIP treatment they afforded him, even if the press barely mention the work they are doing in Sierra Leone. Still, why focus on the positive stuff City do when they can concentrate on the negatives.

For more info on the appeal, and to make a donation to the Sierra Leone blues, please visit <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>.
Sorry, I can't help you with details of the T-Shirt, but I do have a little bit of a side story to offer in relation to the Sierra Leone stuff.

My dad worked over there for 5 years with the main guy who set up the supporters club over there, & got Armarni involved. He's an absolute saint of a man (my dad's mate, not my dad - he's a red so we'll airbrush him from the rest of the story...boooooo)!!!!

Anyway, suffice to say, when Armarni first came over here, my dad's mate made some incredible sacrifices to facilitate his visit (the club weren't as heavily involved as they are now at this point). I won't go into detail here, as I've never met the guy, & I'm sure he doesn't seek any praise or publicity; he just seems to want the best for the kids over there, which is highly commendable. But suffice to say, my dad sings his praises all the time, & some of the things he's told me that this guy did to help the cause at that time are seriously unbelievable.

Anyway, on Armarni's first visit to the UK, obviously he wanted to go & see a few matches & have a look around some landmarks & stuff. But one of the main things he wanted to do was to see snow for the first time in his life. They came up with the great idea of taking him to the skiing place at the trafford centre, but Armarni didn't want to ski, he just wanted to touch the stuff. Now my dad's mate had spent a fortune during the trip, & literally couldn't afford another bean, so on arriving at the centre, he carefully explained Armarni's situation to the staff & management there, & asked whether they could just let him go in for a couple of minutes to see & maybe touch the snow.

You've guessed it, no matter how much they pleaded for a little bit of kindness, the miserable fuckers refused his request & said he'd have to pay to ski otherwise he couldn't come in.

The lad is from a wartorn country & has enough about him to work hard every day to improve the lives of the kids there who've been through so much, yet some jumped up, small minded, cold hearted, middle management prick hasn't got the human kindness within them to let him harmlessly go & look at a bit of snow for the first time in his life.

I've never been to that skiing centre in Trafford as a result of this episode & I never intend to either. I would urge my fellow blues to boycott it too. Fucking Trafford - there's something extremely unpleasant about that place!!!
This story just gets better and better. Great to see Armani meeting all the players and handing them the plaques he had brought with him. The work that must have gone into making those. Once again well done to Howard and Tony and the rest of the guys, and of course our wonderful club for the hospitality shown to Armani and the guys during his visit.
blueyorkie said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Sorry if this has been posted before, but I just saw the new video of Armani from Sierra Leone on the OS.....I loved the first series of videos a few months back and seeing him over here with all the players and giving them the hand made plaques was very touching. It's things like this that make me really proud to be a blue.

On a side note the lads who arranged the whole thing (sorry can't remember their names) were in the background during the video and one of them had the funniest T-shirts I have ever seen....It was basically a blue shirt with a mug shot of gargoyle gary on it with 'BOOT LICKER' right above his plug ugly boat race....where can I buy one?

The guy wearing the Bootlicker tee shirt is Howard Burr

Any idea where I can get said T-shirt?

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