Arsenal away adult ticket £62

This is the ideal game to boycott but a bunch of tarquins and corporates would probably end up in the seats anyway. Arsenal are truly vile with their holier-than-thou attitude while ripping fans off.
We have to pay these prices week in week out, its fucked. You can go to a gig, for a band you love, maybe a once in a lifetime thing for less than that. Its getting out of hand but the only way they will listen is with empty seats...But if one of us doesnt go im sure there will be another person who will
i hope we charged these robbing bastards something similar!! i'm in a simple position of if i cant afford to go i wont but i understand why blues will want to go as its a decent away day in london.

we need our club to say no if possible, can the club refuse an allocation?
I'm an Arsenal fan and you're right, the club's really taking the piss and has been for a while now. I used to go to games but can't afford to anymore. The sole purpose these days is profit maximisation, that's what a "self sustainable" business model is all about. The Arsenal fans on Twitter and on forums who claim our way of doing things is somehow righteous are being useful idiots. Fans are simply being treated as consumers, and there is no ambition to do anything more than qualify for the UCL and milk that cash cow for what it's worth.

I actually have enormous respect for what Man City's owners are doing tbh. Not only have they allowed massive investment into the squad, but from what I've heard ticket prices are still very reasonable, you get real value for money during match days and some season tickets are even cheaper than some Championship clubs. Add to that the community work that you're doing and I can't see the massive anger aimed at the Sheikh. People like Gazidis who are using Arsenal just as an investment vehicle are destroying football, not the Sheikh.

Thankfully a fair number of Arsenal fans are realising this now, and there was a protest before the Swansea game about the board. Wenger is also complicit in this, which is why he's a total sell-out IMO.
bobbyowenquiff said:
This club really is a disgrace. They exist for only one rip off their fans and line the pockets of their board directors. If their business model is the right way then football is doomed. It sickens me that so many people in the media hold them up as some sort of role model. At one time Arsenal was a great club with a great hard core of local-based fans. A trip to the Clock End (before segregation days) was a treat. Highbury was an iconic ground and their fans were amongst the best. Most of them have now been priced out. Wenger, and his bunch of cronies, are hypocrites of the highest order. City's current owners, with their support of our local community, are the polar opposite of Arsenal.
Fucking this!

Also the Henry Norris and Willam Hall scandal with Arsenal buying a place in the top league after finishing fifth in the second diovision, and Spurs being relegated to allow Arsenal their place when they didn't even finish in the relegation zone is never talked about and they never get stick for it.

62 fucking quid. Anyone who pays this is a fucking chump who is just encouraging piss taking clubs like Arsenal to rip us off again (and for more) forever more. £100 tickets in a decade here we come.<br /><br />-- Thu Dec 06, 2012 1:38 pm --<br /><br />I emplor people to fuck this game off!
Nothing new is it, It is only because we are now CAT A for matches that we get the top mark for prices. Another price of our new found success.

I remember laughing at family members for paying 50quid to Birmingham away about 4 years ago to watch the scum. Now look at us.

What with it being in London, For every normal fan who doesn't attend due to cost that seat will be taken up by some tourist who fancies taking in a match.
alib said:
totally agree

anyone paying £62 is a cretin

Unfortunately, the away end will be full and then they can then justify another increase next season - and again everyone will complain, and again the away end will be full !

The only way to vote / protest is with your wallet !
Not everyone will agree with this but a big fcuk off banner with "£62 is taking the piss" or words to that effect is a start.
It will get the attention of the worlds media.

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