Arsenal want 70 million

70m is the approx price paid for Ibrahimovic last season so I'd imagine that's been the argument pushed forward by Arsenal's negotiators. But, on Cesc's current value, he isn't worth any less than 45m. He's so young, he's a Barca fan, he's a match winner, a superstar guaranteed to sell shirts for the next ten years, all of this combined just demands a huge transfer fee.
La Porta is the outgoing president who wants to leave Fabregas as a final gift which will also boost the chances of his chosen successor in the presidential elections.

Rosell his arch enemy says there are three months to do this deal.

Arsenal know that after Sunday the price will drop as the elections will be over and Cesc loses his political value. Maybe 45 million will be the price.

Barca are broke after the Villa purchase. La Porta even made a joke about the finances a bit like Alistair Darling's message to George Osborne.

So the only way Barca will get Fabregas before Sunday is if City throw them a lot of dosh for Ibra and Toure. A swap for Toure plus 10 million is being mooted by Barca atm however not sure Arsenal would do that.

Wenger would love 70 million to transform his promising side into Champions. Due to the political goings on at Barca Wenger can see a once in a lifetime opportunity. We should not allow this to happen.
I am very mindful of giving Barca the money to buy players we would love and could afford to sign at city - they just wont come to us.

Doesnt sit right with me and there is something not right about the Yaya deal hes third choice there now, his form has dipped alot and he cant get in their team. Yet they want £35 million for him. Wenger smells this, knows Fabragas is priceless and will be impossible to replace and in the open market with Real and City involved would be worth £50 million at least. So why sell him to Barca cheap he doesnt want to sell him at all !

Personally I think there are much better players available for similar or less money (Diarra, Masc) we could get these players they are proven in the prem and have the right sort of attitude for our club.

Signing Ibra I at comming round to I dont think he will be a top player in the prem but is a big name to keep the fans and owners happy, is clearly MUCH better than RSC and if it means we can offload Robinho its dream come true really. Its a deal worth doing just to get rid of Robinho IMO.
You lot seem to think that we don't have money.We do and we've had it since 2005 when wenger attemtped to spend more than 50M pounds in the summer for robinho,baptista and hleb.Only hleb came as robinho and baptista joined madrid at the end but wenger,their agents and even brazilian players like gilberto had confirmed that we were very serious about buying them.

We don't need to sell cesc but obviously given the circumstances we might sell but only for an offer which is acceptable. What we have now is built around him and he is also very very special. Hence its going to take something mammoth to get him.

The key here is that unlike cristiano fabregas is not agitating and throwing his toys out of the pram. He knows that he owes wenger and arsenal at least that much that we can profit the maximum from his sale should he leave the club.

This transfer despite all the sky and newspaper crap is very unlikely.

Partly because apparently according to barca who are so desperate to get him value him less than benzema,david luiz,milner,di maria,dzeko. inferior league players who don't get his numbers even in a worse league.

Heck he's worth a few quid more than lescott thats what he is according to lac*nt
You are preaching to the converted here he is an awesome player and well worth £50 million at least as a few of us have already said.

But hes made it pretty clear he wants to join Barca the issue is they clearly cant afford him - unless we pay them daft money for their cast offs.

Also from their point of view they just signed David Villa for £30 million another young spanish player of the highest qulaity so they obviously dont see why they should pay the prem / city / real premium for a player they basically developed themselves.

Difficult one I think he will end up going to Barca but if they really want him they will have to sell before they buy. They also want Torres but I cant see where they will get he money for him as well.

Its not about Arsenal having to sell or needing the money - they clearly dont the problem is when a player wants to leave they normally do.
Gooner89 said:
You lot seem to think that we don't have money.We do and we've had it since 2005 when wenger attemtped to spend more than 50M pounds in the summer for robinho,baptista and hleb.Only hleb came as robinho and baptista joined madrid at the end but wenger,their agents and even brazilian players like gilberto had confirmed that we were very serious about buying them.

We don't need to sell cesc but obviously given the circumstances we might sell but only for an offer which is acceptable. What we have now is built around him and he is also very very special. Hence its going to take something mammoth to get him.

The key here is that unlike cristiano fabregas is not agitating and throwing his toys out of the pram. He knows that he owes wenger and arsenal at least that much that we can profit the maximum from his sale should he leave the club.

This transfer despite all the sky and newspaper crap is very unlikely.

Partly because apparently according to barca who are so desperate to get him value him less than benzema,david luiz,milner,di maria,dzeko. inferior league players who don't get his numbers even in a worse league.

Heck he's worth a few quid more than lescott thats what he is according to lac*nt

I don't think asking for £70m for Fabregas is being cheeky, Ronaldo cost £80m and Fabregas, although not quite as good as Ronaldo, is still one of the best players around. Whether you'll get it though is a different matter, Real Madrid have historically paid more for players than other teams will, I just can't see Barca stretching to that kind of figure, unless they do a "player plus cash" deal.

As for Arsenal having money to spend, I'm sure they do, but I don't think your 2005 example is all that relevant. Since then you've spent a huge amount of money on The Emirates and, fantastic stadium that it is, it'll drain money from your transfer budget whilst you're paying off the loans and interest. You've got more to spend than most, certainly more than the scousers, but I don't think you'll be going out and signing too many £20m players.
alera said:
You are preaching to the converted here he is an awesome player and well worth £50 million at least as a few of us have already said.

But hes made it pretty clear he wants to join Barca the issue is they clearly cant afford him - unless we pay them daft money for their cast offs.

Also from their point of view they just signed David Villa for £30 million another young spanish player of the highest qulaity so they obviously dont see why they should pay the prem / city / real premium for a player they basically developed themselves.

Difficult one I think he will end up going to Barca but if they really want him they will have to sell before they buy. They also want Torres but I cant see where they will get he money for him as well.

Its not about Arsenal having to sell or needing the money - they clearly dont the problem is when a player wants to leave they normally do.

Spot on. Do Arsenal really want to run the risk of knowing they have a player they've held onto by denying him the chance to play for the club of his dreams? I reckon Fabregas might in time turn slightly bitter if that was the case. No - it's more likely a deal will be struck but it'll play out later on once more money is sloshing around in the market. Cue Man City.......

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