Arsenal's Nasri got injered 6-8 weeks

city bairn said:
Arsenal look like they could be making way for us this season. The only decent strikeer the have now is Van Persie. With shit like Bendtner and sick notes like Rosicky they could be in truoble.
Edaurdo will be back though. He was quality before he got injured.
The Fat el Hombre said:
Just looking at their squad and I think their defence is decent enough, but their midfield although top quality is far too lightweight with only Diaby providing any sort of backbone. keepers are wank and I think they're gonna be asking too much of van Persie up front now Adebayor has come to us

It's Diaby who's knacked him, Gooners are going ballistic.
I really do feel a bit sorry for Arsenal, though. Wenger's done bloody well considering his budget, and they've had a lot of bad luck with injuries, ref decisions and so on.

I expect to be flamed for this, but I have to admit to having a bit of a soft spot for Arsene Wenger (not the team he manages, just the man himself). He gets up right up the nose of the Ayatollah and for that I'll always respect him.

But Arsenal's woes could be our good fortune, and if it means us breaking into the top 4 at their expense then so be it.
I wouldn't want to write Arsenal off just yet, they've been a quality team for a long time, but every little helps!

Changing tack slightly, the BBC's Robert Peston has put the article below on his blog and it makes interesting reading. Again, long term it bodes well for us being able to finish above the gooners.

Has Arsenal borrowed too much?
Robert Peston | 00:00 AM, Tuesday, 14 July 2009
I've obtained a copy of the financial analysis of Arsenal that was made by the investment bank Lazard Brothers in support of Alisher Usmanov's proposal that the club should raise up to £150m in a rights issue.
It's a chunky 35-page document. But its conclusion can be summed up very simply: Arsenal has too much debt to pose a serious challenge to Europe's biggest clubs; or to use the jargon, it is over-leveraged, too thinly capitalised.
This is a verdict that has been rejected by Arsenal's board, which has been advised by NM Rothschild.
The North London club's directors argue that paying down debt would have only a marginal impact on the availability of financial resources.
Of course, as an Arsenal-supporting BBC journalist, I couldn't possible take sides in this dispute between the Uzbekistani plutocrat and Arsenal's directors.
But some of you will be interested in Usmanov's point of view.
Here are a few bullet points from the Lazard document:
1) It believes that Arsenal's earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) will fall from between £55m-60m in 2009 to £35-40m in 2010. The most striking contributor to this squeeze that it cites is a 12-14% increase in costs to £179m "as a result of players being compensated for tax changes and a number of step-ups in wages for individual players".
2) It predicts that cash flow will fall by more than that because of some pre-payments on assorted deals that were taken in 2007.
3) It says that Arsenal's fans are already paying 40% more than the average for the big four English clubs for match tickets and 24% more for season tickets - implying there's little scope to increase gate revenues, especially in a recession.
4) It calculates Arsenal's gross average annual spend on new players as £18m, compared with £37m for the big four; and the net annual spend, including sales, as precisely zero, compared with a £20.2m big four average
5) Perhaps most germanely of all, it fears that redevelopment of Arsenal's former Highbury stadium into luxury apartments may not turn out to be profitable - and that refinancing £140m of property-related
You say we have had bad luck with injuries but wenger could have solved them problems, by getting players in on loan or short term contracts.

I wasnt bothered by ade going to you (jealous blah blah blah) the fans didnt like him after the way he treated us last summer, and his appaling display in the fa and champs league semi's ended his stay at the club. Another point people slated bendtner last season but he ended scoring 1 less goal than him, and worked harder for the team that ade. I feel out with ade when he came on the pitch and butted bendtner and then refused to pass him the ball away at birmingham when bendtner had open goal.

I would be more gutted if we sold you toure tbh.

What do you think city will do next year? Id put money on the carling cup and 5th place finish.
And also you getting up fergie's drinkers nose big time. You fucked them over big time on tevez.
Cheshuntarsenal said:
Another point people slated bendtner last season but he ended scoring 1 less goal than him, and worked harder for the team that ade.

Hmm I dunno mate I was watching an Arsenal game at the emirates last year and the Arsenal crowd were laughing at Bendtner and ironcially cheering evry time he managed to pass to an Arsenal player, although I think he did get on the scoresheet in the end. He looked dreadful when he first broke through but has showed flashes of decent potential

Cheshuntarsenal said:
What do you think city will do next year? Id put money on the carling cup and 5th place finish.
And also you getting up fergie's drinkers nose big time. You fucked them over big time on tevez.

History will tell you that we'll win fuck all. Never know though. Depending on who else we bring in I'm hoping we can pinch your champs league spot
Eh hardly damaging, they still have Arshavin, Fabregas, Roscisky, Vela, Eduardo, Diaby even Eboue that can play on the left! They also have youth players that could possibly play on the left and still do a good job like Gibbs, Traore, Merida and maybe even Wilshire.
'Hmm I dunno mate I was watching an Arsenal game at the emirates last year and the Arsenal crowd were laughing at Bendtner and ironcially cheering evry time he managed to pass to an Arsenal player, although I think he did get on the scoresheet in the end. He looked dreadful when he first broke through but has showed flashes of decent potential.'

The problem with the crowd at arsenal is that they expect us to win 4-0 every game, little ol bolton should'nt be hard work for us in most of the crowds eyes. But then thats partly the boards fault for charging stupid prices, and wengers for playing players out of position.

'History will tell you that we'll win fuck all. Never know though. Depending on who else we bring in I'm hoping we can pinch your champs league spot.'

History said the we were a no-mark club in the early 1900's, then we spent big and won the league 5 times in the 30's. You have to start somewhere. The only problem that you have created is Massive expectation on the media and some fans part. A bad start will see the media mock you and some fans (not the loyal fans) start acting stupid.

Tbh i like this board its better than most message boards.
Nasri Breaks Leg

Sorry if already reported but you have to feel sorry for the lad.

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