Away tickets and points?

I contacted the club last week as my son falls in the 18-25 category now so he can apply on Day1 (he's got around 9-10,000 points).
However I've got less than 18000 points so I asked what happens if I don't get one or if I do we could be blocks apart.
I know it sounds soft but I want to go with him and stand with him during the game. He doesn't want to go on his own either.
Basically, I was told it was a risk with no real solution.
Would you support a ballot that you and your lad could make a joint application and at least have a chance?
Wondering what blues thoughts are on the way the club are likely to distribute away tickets going forward.

Think this is our 2nd season where no points are being awarded for attending away games. But surely some kind of system that rewards those that attend regularly and gives others an opportunity to attend will be implemented at some point.

I'm on just over 19500 points. I've been going to an average of about 15 away games a season (including Wembley and European games) for the last 18 years and I've still got absolutely no chance of getting a ticket to certain games off my own back. These days if the game is on a Saturday I've no chance either.

I still qualify for the majority of games but the question is that should I be grateful of being able to do Southampton away on a Sunday but miss out on Aston Villa on a Saturday at 5:30? A game I attended last season because it was midweek!

Should I be grateful that I get to attend the majority of European away games but should we draw Rangers I'll have absolutely no chance?

Some tickets get put aside for Supporters clubs. Some for corporate and some for younger supporters which I've no real issue with but those in the middle with a regular record of attending games are pretty much forgotten about.

Is it time for when there's a popular away game that the club holds back tickets for a ballot? Every season ticket holder below the estimated sell out points level for the game then at least has an opportunity to apply and potentially get a ticket?
Should have got one for Villa. Sold out on 18500.
With 19k + and an allocation of 3k you should always get one. Apart from OT and Anfield as the distribution for them two stinks. Doesn’t in City !!!
Really? If so then that's my own stupid fault. I thought it had sold out earlier, same for Wolves.
Wolves went lower to 18k
We’re the best side in the country and you’re only given 3000 fans max for Prem away games. Demand is going up the better we get so it’s going to be tough.

I’ve not got anywhere near enough despite going for decades. Going to have to join a supporters club I think soon.
If you have that many points, you will get a ticket for every away match this season, with the possible exception of Bournemouth.
If you don't you only have yourself to blame.
How can you not have an issue with tickets being put aside for supporters clubs,hospitality and every other tom dick and Harry when the main core of supporters are being shafted.
If every away ticket went through the loyalty system, each away match would sell out around 10000 points instead of 18000 ,which seems to be the sell out point currently.
Your opening line isn't true though is it?

I attended pretty much every game I could last season and off the top of my head I know I missed out on Utd (expected) and Watford (5:30). I'm sure there are more but can't look back just yet.

I think I've become a bit more sedate with regard the tickets being put aside for every tom, dick and Harry. It's not going to change so I just accept it for what it is. However, when I think about it, it does irk me and hence the post asking how other blues feel about it.

I agree that if all tickets were sold on loyalty there would be far more going down the ladder.

Had a look and I didn't qualify for Everton (5:30), Leeds, Brentford or Burnley. So that's 6 games in the Premier League last season.
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I did the vast majority of my away games back in the day when we were mainly poor before points began, at that time turning up or tokens and hours in dogshit alley early mornings were the way forward.

I did platinum for 3 years or so and found that I was getting further away from big away league games so just binned it off.

I'm 60 this season and have enough points in the bank for any Wembley trip and if I fancy what's now called at Cat B or Cat C away game can pick one up by the time I drop too far down the points table I'll be too old to be arsed going away anyway.
If they give points for away tickets. The people with the most will just buy them and sell them on. The rich will just get richer.

Imo, a rolling points system of 5-10 years would be better, with points only being awarded for the cup schemes like it currently is.
Should have got one for Villa. Sold out on 18500.
With 19k + and an allocation of 3k you should always get one. Apart from OT and Anfield as the distribution for them two stinks. Doesn’t in City !!!

Wolves went lower to 18k
I was on the site Monday looking at wolves. The criteria only went as far down as 20k.

Monday evening there was no news that it had sold out so I was hopeful of bagging a ticket 1st thing on Tuesday morning. However, there was no update on selling criteria.

I assumed it had sold out. I should have rang so it's definitely my own fault. I'm not whinging about missing out on Villa or Wolves. I'm more wondering what blues feel on the current set up for away games and the future of distribution for ever more popular games.

Those that are on 22,23,24k imo are to be looked after no matter what. Younger supporters? I can see why they need an allocation too. Those with a few bob should wait in line regardless of where they sit in the stadium and the supporters clubs allocation I'm unsure about. Lot's of really dedicated blues I've met over the years are members of supporters clubs and would get tickets regardless of the allocation the club pass onto them. But that begs the question as to whether that allocation of tickets is actually required. It could be put into the general pot so more go further down the ladder.
We’re the best side in the country and you’re only given 3000 fans max for Prem away games. Demand is going up the better we get so it’s going to be tough.

I’ve not got anywhere near enough despite going for decades. Going to have to join a supporters club I think soon.
You're not wrong. At what point does a ballot for some games become a necessity so that the majority at least have a sniff of getting a ticket without the need of travelling with an SC?
You're not wrong. At what point does a ballot for some games become a necessity so that the majority at least have a sniff of getting a ticket without the need of travelling with an SC?
I think some need to be loyalty points and some need to be ballot to be honest.
You're not wrong. At what point does a ballot for some games become a necessity so that the majority at least have a sniff of getting a ticket without the need of travelling with an SC?
A ballot wouldn't suit the fans who have over 24k and go week in week out. That wouldn't be fair on them, imagine someone got a ticket for a big game with 1k points and someone who's got 24k misses out because of a ballot system

They made a mess of it by changing loyalty points to home games only and not using away games. Was that someone from City Matters idea?

They should let the 18-25 category build points through the first morning of sale as soon as now soon as they reach 26 they cant get near any tickets as the points haven't moved

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