sir baconface
Well-Known Member
I don’t know who the fcuk he is but am hugely encouraged by the fact that nobody’s called him Aymeric Fucking Laporte.
Maybe we are a better proposition
I don’t know who the fcuk he is but am hugely encouraged that nobody’s called him Aymeric Fucking Laporte.
AFL doesn't have the same ring as JFEI don’t know who the fcuk he is but am hugely encouraged that nobody’s called him Aymeric Fucking Laporte.
No. I think we are far classier than that
Someone phone the police.Bilbao coach is reportedly saying he will be playing for them this weekend! If they have taken our money surely he is our player regardless of incomplete paperwork!
Everybody panic !!!!!!!!!!Bilbao coach is reportedly saying he will be playing for them this weekend! If they have taken our money surely he is our player regardless of incomplete paperwork!
Bilbao coach is reportedly saying he will be playing for them this weekend! If they have taken our money surely he is our player regardless of incomplete paperwork!