Baconface Rant (Merged)

"No-one has owned up to putting the Tevez poster up, although as a club City have expressed similar sentiments on official merchandise in the past."

it has the clubs website on it...great reporting
Re: Adebayor was 'desperate' not to join City, claims Ferguson

Its funny.

The man didn't care when we had Mike Sheron up front and he is shitting his pants, its as plain as the bacon on his face. We are getting under his skin. Enjoy it.

Forza City
Re: Adebayor was 'desperate' not to join City, claims Ferguson

For a small club with no shot at winning anything or breaking the top 4, good ol' baconface sure seems to devote quite a bit of his time to us nowadays doesn't he.
The Old Guard is being tested, and Napoleon - oops sorry, Ferguson - is about to encounter his Waterloo. For years he's tramped up and down the country, subduing upstarts and maintaining the old order of things. Now a former protege with the backing of foreign powers is advancing on the enemy sronghold, and the new drum beat is attracting Premier League stalwarts to the cause.

Rally to us ! Help defeat the enemy ! Good money available to all who join up. The battle cry is enough for any testosterone-fuelled malcontent from another squad to rally to the cause.

Riches, glory, trophies, titles - well, riches anyway at this stage - has always played a part in warfare. Booty was often the motivation for enlisted men, except that it's being paid up-front now. No wonder the Old Guard is rattled. The intervention of wealthy foreign powers really has put Fergie under duress. Let battle commence.
Re: Adebayor was 'desperate' not to join City, claims Ferguson

What a complete c**t!!

He makes me laugh.. would he be saying the same stuff if we had splashed out on the likes of Dean Windass or bobby zamora ?

Really hope we give them a good slappin this season!!

Bitter old man

Just shows a lack of dignity in him, and how much of a joke it is he is a Sir

We could be here all day listing his/thier lack of dignity's but unlike them, we wont bite.
Re: Adebayor was 'desperate' not to join City, claims Ferguson

And he calls city arrogant? He just sunk to a new low, jesus christ I hate that guy, 95% off what comes out of his mouth is utter bollocks and he is a whining double moral piece offfffff shit!
Re: Adebayor was 'desperate' not to join City, claims Ferguson

Someone's had a bit too much to drink on his holidays, I think.

He'll be sorry in the morning.
Re: Adebayor was 'desperate' not to join City, claims Ferguson

LOL bless him his rants become more non sensical by the day. If heas your grandad oud be like cmon grandad its time for bed now you've had enough.

He is just desparate to seem relevant in a world thats passing him.

Whst he is saying is so easy to tear apart but the hypocrisy is there for all to see and everyone recognises it as the mind games starting early because he is terrified.

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