Baconface Rant (Merged)

Bacon Face


These bunch of fcukwits don't do irony or humour but they certainly do hypocrisy.

Having a chat with a ManUre mate about Bacuntface and Camelgob talking shite and my mate was giving it yeah it's a bit disrepectful though (about the billboard), I nearly pissed my sides these the cnuts that have been lording it up and rubbing it every fcukers faces for years, shamefully milking the brand for all it's worth and they have the cheek to cry when we have a pop, really it's priceless.

And now the shite this morning that twat calling anyone arrogant...lolwut? and calling us a small time team after his blast at the fat spanish waiter last year?..oh deary, deary me..

Hopefully when the investment really kicks in we start seeing it on the pitch, he'll get really wound up and have a heart attack, something I've been looking forward to for years.
This has made my Sunday reading this thread! F*** the lot of 'em.

Let's hope Hughes doesn't bite back publicly but uses it to gee up the dressing room and get us off to a good start.
Fergie's Cracking Up, Cracking UP, Fergie's Cracking up.....

na, nar, na, nar, na!

Had to do it lads. I've been laughing my bolloxs off all morning. Going through the papers this morning and watching the news report on BBC news. Rafa, step aside because Fergie is cracking up!

PS. MODS. Feel free to merge it. Sincere apologies if there is already a thread.
robinho's a legend said:
This is what its like to be city, This is what its like to be small, This is what its like when we've got ADEBAYOR,ADEBEYOR!!!! CTID.

I don't normally approve of us nicking United songs (or Bin Dipper ones either for that matter) but I have to admit that would be a great idea to sing this coming season - let's drop that pathetic 'Build An Empire' please!
To quote old stop sign himself 'all City can talk about is United'
I'm sorry but your rant was about whom exactly?; Chelsea...doesn't appear so; City...oh, yes Manchester City! The only team you seem to be able to talk about at the moment.
Every comment 'they have too much money!'; 'There rubbish compared to us...'; 'We never wanted to sign Tevez (despite the fact we offered him a contract and wages worth similar to Rio [I'm not going to City even though they never wanted to buy me coz I'm shit and somehow got Sky to broadcast my crap interview with Roger Federer] Ferdinand.'
A song for bacon face, to the Beach Boys "Help me Rhonda"

22 years in Trafford and the whisky's always by his side
He'll need gallons more as Blue Moon is on the rise
Ol' misery arse with his post-match whine
Stopwatch for the time
We beat 'em 5-1
And he claims they were the better side


Help me Hughsey
Help help me Hughsey
Help me Hughsey
Help help me Hughsey
Help me Hughsey
Help help me Hughsey
Bluesy Hughsey
Blue Bluesy Hughsey
Bluesy Hughsey
Blue Bluesy Hughsey
Help me Hughsey
Help help me Hughsey
Send old whisky face
To the bar in the sky

His teams kick and cheat
While he bullies and lies
He's spent hundreds of millions of pounds
Now players are all overpriced

His times nearly up, he's pissed up
France calls for a life on the wine
But it'll end as it begun
With City as Manchester's pride

Help me Hughsey
Help help me Hughsey etc
I, for one, think it would say much more about Mark Hughes if he kept a dignified silence, rather than let it be seen that Taggart had the slightest chance of winding him up. He calls us arrogant? so what....... He's the expert in that field!!!!!

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