balotelis wages.

I fucking hate that Fergie loving prick!!!

He constantly talks shit. Even when he does speak his usual shite he struggles to breath the fat c**t.

One of todays headlines in the papers is Milan 1 -0 Manchester...

He said he doesnt miss Milan, just Brescia where he's from! So hes not a big fan of either place!

Constant rubbish gets published. Sky have really let themselves down on this one as they have acted like a tabloid....
The media outlets should be sued when they make things up. If they were taken to court and City offered evidence to a judge that the reported wage was an out and out lie they should be liable to a big fine. It would soon shore up the shit that papers print. I don't udnerstand why making things up like a wage is legal.
Shooter 83 said:
Bit funny that considering Tevez is the highest paid player on 150k.
Yep I found that hilarious when Tevez signed it was reported he was on 150 grand robinho 160 and Ade 170. Yaya signed and the papers went crazy with there bullshit 220 grand a week which the club denied. Then last season when Tevez put in his transfer request and took it back out the club confirmed that he had not got an improved contract but he was still the clubs highest paid player. To keep in line with there Yaya on 220 and to make Rooney's reported 250 grand a week look not so bad Tevez weekly wages went up to 250 grand a week without any paper actually explaining where the extra 100 grand came from. As they say don't let facts get in the way of a good story
Let them think and report what they want! We dont care. Most level headed fans will know its bollocks anyway.
pml79 said:
the rag media will only get worse this week guys with us playin them. they want to do all they can to piss city off
I do not think it will piss any of the players off! If anything I should imagine it has the opposite effect!
Why don't Sky and the Wail and all the shit media that we have mention Shreks wages a reported 270K a week? That is never mentioned is it? Bloody bias shit media, and that fat c**t on sky should go and piss off back to where he came from
I am sick and tired of the media slating us even before we got taken over we were constantly being slated by the Wail and Sky and now every time any of our players show passion for example De Jong's tackles we are slated for having a "dirty" player De Jong is not a dirty player he is one of the best defensive midfielders in the world but no one ever mentions how good he and Kompany are or how good Micah is or how well Joe Hart has come along since we signed him. No it is always "City squad at war" or "Mancini will be fired" and it pisses me off, I try to avoid the media but it is impossible to. The vile scum are always getting good publicity we aren't, the other day when Balo was talking to Robbie during the Inter game the Wail said that they had fallen out when they were just talking to each other in a calm way, the Wail never mention the time when Shaking Taggart hit his players but the time when Mancini allegedly gave Balo a suitcase and told him to leave is always being repeated when what Taggart did was a criminal offense
The bloody media is always poking fun at Robbie, they never give him credit for learning English so quickly do they? No it is always saying that he has fallen out with Khaldoon when he hasn't because Robbie is stable
The media always criticise us for spending a lot of money on the SportCity complex and the nearby area when we have created many jobs and our City in the Community has helped many disadvantaged children and adults, that is never mentioned, they always say "City trying to buy fans by redeveloping area near COMS" no we bloody well aren't trying to "buy" more fans we are simply giving something back to the community near our stadium something that a few years ago we also did but we could never afford to take it to the next level. We are criticised for that but the scum's owners haven't spent a penny on redeveloping the disgusting area near the swamp, whilst our owners have and don't get the praise they deserve
Rant over!
MCFC 4 EVER said:
Why don't Sky and the Wail and all the shit media that we have mention Shreks wages a reported 270K a week? That is never mentioned is it? Bloody bias shit media, and that fat c**t on sky should go and piss off back to where he came from
I am sick and tired of the media slating us even before we got taken over we were constantly being slated by the Wail and Sky and now every time any of our players show passion for example De Jong's tackles we are slated for having a "dirty" player De Jong is not a dirty player he is one of the best defensive midfielders in the world but no one ever mentions how good he and Kompany are or how good Micah is or how well Joe Hart has come along since we signed him. No it is always "City squad at war" or "Mancini will be fired" and it pisses me off, I try to avoid the media but it is impossible to. The vile scum are always getting good publicity we aren't, the other day when Balo was talking to Robbie during the Inter game the Wail said that they had fallen out when they were just talking to each other in a calm way, the Wail never mention the time when Shaking Taggart hit his players but the time when Mancini allegedly gave Balo a suitcase and told him to leave is always being repeated when what Taggart did was a criminal offense
The bloody media is always poking fun at Robbie, they never give him credit for learning English so quickly do they? No it is always saying that he has fallen out with Khaldoon when he hasn't because Robbie is stable
The media always criticise us for spending a lot of money on the SportCity complex and the nearby area when we have created many jobs and our City in the Community has helped many disadvantaged children and adults, that is never mentioned, they always say "City trying to buy fans by redeveloping area near COMS" no we bloody well aren't trying to "buy" more fans we are simply giving something back to the community near our stadium something that a few years ago we also did but we could never afford to take it to the next level. We are criticised for that but the scum's owners haven't spent a penny on redeveloping the disgusting area near the swamp, whilst our owners have and don't get the praise they deserve
Rant over!
Take a bow.
Also I read that balotelli plays for free cause he loves it so much here

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