Barclays player of the month Vote for tevez

I AM SO EXCITED,THIS IS MY 100TH POST.TEVEZ 41.3%,FAB 38.5%.......Ahv just hud a wet dreem (scottish for cumming in your pants).CTID.
you keep going on about spunk...sounds a bit gay.
lee-mcfc said:
I AM SO EXCITED,THIS IS MY 100TH POST.TEVEZ 41.3%,FAB 38.5%.......Ahv just hud a wet dreem (scottish for cumming in your pants).CTID.
you keep going on about spunk...sounds a bit gay.
LEE,can you tell me where the word "spunk" is mentioned in my posts.And no,i am not gay.100% HETRO CITYCELTICMAN.
Does this poll actually decide who gets it? It doesn't seem that way to me. I think it's just a poll for curiosity more than anything. Surely the player of the month is decided by a panel of men in suits somewhere in the premier league head-quarters? I voted nevertheless... but just because this vote is on the premier league website, doesn't mean it actually counts. Is the player of the month always decided by fans? I'm not so sure.
cant see anywhere where it says voting stopped and cesc fab is just a scintilla behind - he is also the default choice which is wrong - i would have thought this was the guide for the suits to decide

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