BBC Sports Web Site

48 million profit
and have to launch a Bond scheme to raise funds.

tells its own story
I don't think they're deliberately meant to mislead, it's just the usual BBC bias. They love The Big Four™ as much as Sky do.
I too thought the "headlines" from the BBC were written either by David Gill or a complete plonker.

City and Chelsea post a loss and have NO debt.

Salford Red Sox post a profit and have MASSIVE debt.

The only reason they made a profit was because they sold Lady Boy .... without him going they would have lost about £30M.

At least two questions spring to mind:

1 .... where will they get the same £80M from next year?????

2 .... did they actually get all the cash from Real Madrid - or did they only get a quater of it with the rest coing in drips at the start of each season .... and we all know that cash is king ....!!!!!!!
Kinky by name said:
Pam said:
How the hell are they misleading?

the angle taken in the headlines is misleading; a straightforward reading of them would imply that City are the ones in trouble and the rags are doing brilliantly.

Oh sorry, I think I misread the whole thing because I haven't taken much notice of how they've spun this news. The one report I listened to was suggesting the Ronaldo transfer fee was turning a £40 mill loss to a £40 mill profit. Maybe they haven't been mentioning it since. It doesn't matter how they choose to spin it anyway. It isn't our club that's resorting to junk bond financing.
Pam said:
masterwig said:
It's obvious the OP was saying the headlines were misleading.

Anyone who can't see that is unhealthily obsessed with the rags.

How the hell are they misleading?

Bit dim sometimes aren't you?

They are mis-leading as the headlines make Utd look better off financially then either us or Chelsea.

Jesus H bloody Christ - it is like playgroup in here sometimes.
The BBC site is one of the worst. You would hope it was better than Sky et al but really its not. My opinion, but at £150 per every household in the UK (effectivally) every year, I think we have a right to better quality presentation and more accurate news reporting.
Kinky by name said:
Pam said:
How the hell are they misleading?

the angle taken in the headlines is misleading; a straightforward reading of them would imply that City are the ones in trouble and the rags are doing brilliantly.

That's how I read it. No wonder they're all deluded.

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