Be the last person to post on this thread and win eff all.


Well-Known Member
30 Sep 2016
Team supported
Yes you heard it here first. This unbelievable offer will run just up to the planet explodes and if you follow this thread for any length of time, from days to years, I personally guarentee you will win fuck all.

That's right, absolutely heehaw. There won't be a paltry £20, or even the mind bending £50 touted on a lower class thread on here. You can come on here literally millions of times. Think of the excitement, the suspense, the electrically charged atmosphere of pointlessness.

I know you will find this offer too good to he true, I do and I thought it up. Already I have earmarked the fuck all I plan to win to buy fuckall. You can get a lot of fuck all for fuckall.

I remember my first real.exoerience of fuckall. It was 1984 when I asked my mother what she was getting me for my birthday and she replied fuckall.

I will never forget that fuckall. I sat on my bed thinking what to do with it. So many variables, in the end I did fuckall with it and in doing so, can now offer you, yes you, you dozy ****, a chance to win my fuckall.

Don't delay, post in here how you would use the fuckall and I will judge the best entry but do absolutely fuckall about it.

Good hunting.
Last edited:
Yes you heard it hear first. This unbelievable offer will run just up to the planet explodes and if you follow this thread for any length of time, from days to years, I personally guarentee you will win fuck all.

That's right, absolutely heehaw. There won't be a paltry £20, or even the mind bending £50 touted on a lower class thread on here. You can come on here literally millions of times. Think of the excitement, the suspense, the electrically charged atmosphere of pointlessness.

I know you will find this offer too good to he true, I do and I thought it up. Already I have earmarked the fuck all I plan to win to buy fuckall. You can get a lot of fuck all for fuckall.

I remember my first real.exoerience of fuckall. It was 1984 when I asked my mother what she was getting me for my birthday and she replied fuckall.

I will never forget that fuckall. I sat on my bed thinking what to do with it. So many variables, in the end I did fuckall with it and in doing so, can now offer you, yes you, you dozy ****, a chance to win my fuckall.

Don't delay, post in here how you would use the fuckall and I will judge the best entry but do absolutely fuckall about it.

Good hunting.

Somebody's been on the Thunderbird again.....
Please no one else post, I have a J and H so the eff all would be a great help as I build my Jeff Hall shrine

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