
He's engineered the way this ended to make hinmself loom like some kind of God, and the Milanese are lapping it up. He wanted to sell Kaka, he wanted the money for him, then he got 'scared' by the reaction of the fans, and the media backlash, and screwed us over. He's a politician, they all lie for a living. Nothing he ever says can be trusted.
I said this right at the start of the whole transfer saga, don’t rule out the possibility that Berlusconi might be using it as a PR stunt, I think City were used big time, we had the genuine intention of bringing Kaka to Coms,I don’t believe they had the genuine intention sell.

When I look back on the well orchestrated media leaks from the Milan end it all adds up, even late last night when the first story to break was the sensational news that Kaka had been sold to City, that got the press going, this broke on Berlusconi’s network,

Then it was followed up by the Kaka and Berlusconi falling in to each others arms story ,and the Berlusconi “”come here son everything will be all right””” ,basically he saved the day and Kaka is still the prodigal son..

The whole lot stinks he totally took the piss, all we are guilty of is our naivety in dealing with such a slippery character to start with, let’s remember this bloke is a best mate of Tony Blair the master of spin.

Would be nice to turn them over in the UEFA cup.
Berlusconi is the man whose motivation in entering politics was to keep himself out of prison.If someone wrote a "fiction" novel about his life people would say it was too far fetched.

Nothing is impossible with him.
I said this right at the start of the whole transfer saga, don’t rule out the possibility that Berlusconi might be using it as a PR stunt, I think City were used big time, we had the genuine intention of bringing Kaka to Coms,I don’t believe they had the genuine intention sell.

I don't see it was being as black and white as that. From my point of view, they certainly went into it wanting to sell and we were genuinely wanting to buy.

But in life, events and negotiations don't always go as you hope or plan. They started to get cold feet because of the fans' and media reaction. So they were obviously pulling away rather than moving closer. And unfortunately, instead of us working harder to bridge the emotional gap, we were pulling away as well, trying to engineer a "joint venture in areas that would take this club on to a different platform" (Cook's words), rather than hand over the cash.

So both sides were moving in the wrong direction for a deal to happen.

As I have said before and elsewhere this morning, I remain convinced that had we said "here's a cheque for £108m" they would have accepted it. They really wouldn't have been insane not to. Bottom line is, we didn't offer it.
Chippy_boy said:
I said this right at the start of the whole transfer saga, don’t rule out the possibility that Berlusconi might be using it as a PR stunt, I think City were used big time, we had the genuine intention of bringing Kaka to Coms,I don’t believe they had the genuine intention sell.

I don't see it was being as black and white as that. From my point of view, they certainly went into it wanting to sell and we were genuinely wanting to buy.

But in life, events and negotiations don't always go as you hope or plan. They started to get cold feet because of the fans' and media reaction. So they were obviously pulling away rather than moving closer. And unfortunately, instead of us working harder to bridge the emotional gap, we were pulling away as well, trying to engineer a "joint venture in areas that would take this club on to a different platform" (Cook's words), rather than hand over the cash.

So both sides were moving in the wrong direction for a deal to happen.

As I have said before and elsewhere this morning, I remain convinced that had we said "here's a cheque for £108m" they would have accepted it. They really wouldn't have been insane not to. Bottom line is, we didn't offer it.

that my fit into this statement on the OS late last night;

"Whilst Manchester City Football Club has an obvious interest in world class players of the quality of Kaka, we owe it to our fans that such a transfer must work on every level; commercially, financially, in terms of results on the field and within Manchester City's broader community."
Matty said:
He's engineered the way this ended to make hinmself loom like some kind of God, and the Milanese are lapping it up. He wanted to sell Kaka, he wanted the money for him, then he got 'scared' by the reaction of the fans, and the media backlash, and screwed us over. He's a politician, they all lie for a living. Nothing he ever says can be trusted.

I believe City over Berlusconi any day of the week on this. What is so laughable is that anyone with just a tiny modicum of commonsense knows that Berlusconi is as crooked as they come yet there are some numpties (not all) over on that AC Milan forum who believe every word he says. Trouble is, it seems the vast majority of the British media believe it too - all this talk that Kaka chose to stay with AC Milan over the so-called extortionate sums of money we were supposedly offering. What they fail to realise is that Kaka has courted interest from 3 clubs now - Chelsea, Real Madrid, and City. When the Madrid and Chelsea propositions fell through he received a pay rise from Milan on both occasions. That might not happen this time around because I don't think Milan have a pot to piss in but the point is that he is more motivated by money than he cares to let on - I don't have a problem with that because there probably isn't a footballer in the world that is in it solely for the love of the game these days, but what really pisses me off is that all these claims that it is a triumph for commonsense over greed are frankly bullshit. The way it's been portrayed is that it's as though he was on about 200 quid a week at Milan, with a turkey thrown in at Christmas as a bonus.

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